Ch. 18

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Lacey & Lilah arrive at the house that Voldemort & death eaters are staying in, Lilah opened the door making sure it slams back hard. "Alright, where are you!?!!?" Lilah screams, as Wormtail Yaxley Blaise Draco & Theo walk out of the kitchen and Theo says, "Penny's not here if that's who you're looking for." "Then where is she?!" Lilah growled.

"She went to Toledo to get Gladys & Jellybean Jones." Blaise said looking at them. "Are- Are you serious?" Lacey asks trying to stay calm. "Well we're not lying to you." Draco says as Blaise sat on the couch with her letting her cry. "It's ok, we'll make sure nothing happens, I promise." Blaise whispers rubbing Lacey's back gently. "So what do we do now?" Lilah asked sitting beside Theo and Draco on the other couch. "We have to see what happens." Yaxley said as he & Wormtail sit beside Lilah & Blaise.

"If Penny and the Ghoulies come back to Riverdale with Gladys & Jellybean, you 2 especially Lacey are going to have to live somewhere else until all of this is over." Draco says as the door opened again with Voldemort and death eaters walking in. "Ahh Lacey you & Lilah are back, how nice. Now since you're here, and you know that Penny and the Ghoulies are back too... Why don't we finish the videos that we were watching earlier, does that sound good?" Voldemort asked.

Lacey & Lilah glare at him before Lacey says, "Why do you guys hate me now? We used to be good friends, hell we were best friends, what did I ever do to you? Tell me what I did and I'll fix it or try to fix it." Lacey says feeling her eyes tear up. "Y'know exactly what you did Lacey!! And now it's payback time." Voldemort laughs evilly walking away with his minions following him. Lacey scoffed and looks at Blaise saying, "If you want to be my friend again, you'll help me & Lilah make sure nothing happens to the Whyte Wyrm or The Southside Serpents especially FP & Jughead."
"Ok I will." Blaise said looking at her & Lilah smiling as they smile back.

The next day at school, Lacey & Lilah hung out with the gang until lunch-time, that's when they (Lacey and Lilah) decided to sit with Blaise, NOT noticing that the gang were watching their every move. "Hey Jug, what was that?" Kevin asked as he Reggie Betty Choni Varchie Sweet Pea Fangs and Joaquin sit at their usual lunch table. "I don't know." Jughead says running his fingers through his hair after taking off his beanie. "Is Lacey still mad at you & FP?" Betty asked. "I don't think she's mad at us, more than she is upset with us." Jughead answers watching Lacey sit beside Blaise watching them laugh and he growls lowly, like Charles he knows something's going on and he's going to find out what it is.

Blaise Draco & Theo's lunch table
"You guys realize, they're all staring at us right?" Theo asked looking at Lilah and then at Reggie Kevin Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin Bughead Varchie and Choni. "Yeah, we're ignoring them now." Lilah answers back not letting Lacey look at the gang especially Jughead. "Don't look at them especially Fangs Sweet Pea, Joaquin, Toni or Jughead especially Juggie." Lacey nods and plays with her food dropping her fork and putting her face in her hands.

Back at the gang's lunch table Jughead's POV.
I looked at Lacey & Lilah who hung out with me and the gang all day today, but stopped at lunch time because they sat with Blaise Draco & Theo for some weird reason, I kept looking at them and didn't realize I was growling under my breath, until Betty put her hand in mine and whispered. "Stop growling Juggie." I stopped and kept looking at Lacey & Lilah who wouldn't make eye contact with me especially Lacey and that's when I knew something happened or was going to happen.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now