Ch. 43

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The Southside Serpents, Lacey & Lilah finally arrive at the Whyte Wyrm, going into the back door seeing Hog-Eye, Ashton, Dave, Derek, & Mustang sitting in the basement with Wormtail & Yaxley. Lacey and Lilah see Wormtail and Yaxley tied to a chair with black duck tape on their mouth, they walk to them and pull the duck tape off making Wormtail & Yaxley scream and Lilah says. "Oh suck it up."

"Girls." Jughead warns as FP smirks and said. "You 2 can stay here, while the rest of us go see what Penny and the Ghoulies want." "Ok." Lacey says as she drags a chair next to Wormtail and Lilah grabs a chair sitting beside Yaxley. "Mustang, you Dave Derek and Ashton can stay here with them." FP says. "Ok." Ashton says sitting on the basement stairs. "Now Serpents, let's go." Jughead says as he & FP lead the way to the front door where Penny and the Ghoulies are trying to break in.

When the Serpents left to go see Penny and the Ghoulies, Lacey and Lilah look at Wormtail and Yaxley before Lilah says, "Why are you guys doing this?" "Because we have to or we're going to get hurt or worse killed!!" Yaxley says looking at Mustang, Dave, Ashton & Derek who look at him and Mustang says  "We're not going to kill you." "Maybe not you guys, but Voldemort and Penny will." Wormtail says looking at Lacey before he continues, "I'm your friend Lace, I always have been and I always will be just like Yaxley, but you and Lilah have to believe us plz." Lacey gets up and sits beside Mustang, Ashton & Derek while Lilah looks at him and says coldly, "Maybe you guys should've thought about that, before you started working for Penny and the Ghoulies. And what happened to you 2 trying to get away from Voldemort and death eaters like me and Lacey?"

Mustang, Ashton, & Derek look at each other before the door opened again with the Serpents walking back in and FP says, "So Penny and the Ghoulies are back, and they're not going to stop bothering us until they find those 2... and they get the Southside all to themselves." Looking at Wormtail and Yaxley, Wormtail says, "Well y'know... You didn't have to kidnap us. Lacey plz hear me and Yaxley out!!!!! Lilah doesn't have to stay, none of them do!!! but I need you to listen to me & Yaxley plz." Wormtail begged making the Serpents, Derek Ashton & Mustang look at Lacey & Lilah and then back at Lacey who looked at Wormtail and said. "You have 10 minutes and they're (Points to the Serpents) staying in here too because I don't trust you anymore."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now