Ch. 90

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As soon as Lacey and FP get back to Falice's house, Lacey kissed him passionately making him smirk kissing her back with more passion IT was gonna go farther than that, but then Lacey remembered what Megan & Chloe did to him and she let go of FP's shirt and went upstairs with him following her. "Wanna cuddle?" FP asked as Lacey put her nightclothes on. "Sure." "C'mere." FP says holding his hand out and Lacey cuddles into his chest and says. "I love you." "I love you too." FP says holding her tightly to his chest and turned the TV on. Lacey smiles thinking how did she get so lucky, then her smile started fading as she remembered what happened to him & the rest of the Serpents besides Betty and Alice.

FP can sense her heart racing, and he tightened his grip on her. "Are you ok?" He asked, "I'm fine." Lacey says. FP sighs and holds her tighter against him making her sigh and fall asleep trying not to cry, so she thinks about what Cheryl told her Lilah Fangs Kevin & Reggie, she starts smirking not knowing what was gonna happen in the future between them...

The next day at school, in the student lounge Lacey & Lilah were sitting on the couch they were on their phones when Jughead Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin Toni Cheryl Kevin Reggie Archie Betty & Veronica walk in sitting beside and in front of them saying. "Hey guys, Josie's coming back to Riverdale." Kevin said as he Reggie Fangs Lacey & Lilah could feel the tension. "Really?" Archie asked. "Yeah, Josie will be back here like next week I think, at least that's what Sierra told me and my dad last night." Kevin says. "Well, on that note." Veronica starts, "me and Archie have some news too." "What's your news?" Cheryl asked. "Varchie is breaking up for good this time we'll always be friends, but we'll never get back together." "Same thing, goes for Bughead." Betty says. Lacey & Lilah bite their lip not looking at Choni Kevin Reggie or Fangs because they know if they do, they're going to burst out laughing. Lacey couldn't contain her laughter so she gets up and walks out of the room, walking down the hallway away from the student lounge, dying of laughter.

The gang except for Choni Lilah Kevin Reggie & Fangs looked at her confused before Lilah said. "I just remembered me & Lacey have to go see Theo & Blaise about something, we'll be back later." Then Lilah gets up and leaves quickly too also dying of laughter.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now