Ch. 124

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"So what do we need to talk about mom?" Betty asked as she Alice Polly and Penny sit in the living room and Alice sighs saying, "Me and Penny have a secret that we've been hiding, we think you're old enough to find out, since you're almost an adult too." Alice starts as Penny gets a picture out of her pocket and says, "Me and Alice are sisters, and there's something else too."

"What?!" Betty, Polly, and Archie ask. "I'm not your mom, Penny is. She had to give you 2 up for adoption because she couldn't take care of you when you were a newborn, so I took you." Alice says. Betty and Polly sat there frozen for a few minutes before Archie said. "Betty?" No answer, "Betty?" He tried again still no answer. Betts?" Betty and Polly snapped out of it, Polly said angrily looking at Alice, "So, you've been lying to us our entire life!?!?!?!" Betty gets up saying, "C'mon Archie, we're leaving and I'm staying with you from now on." "Ok, let's go." Archie says as he and Betty get up and leave slamming the front door shut behind them as Polly followed them also slamming the door shut, Alice sighs saying, "Give me Penelope's number, I need to know when I can start working." "The brothel's at the blue house with a black fence and red roses, Penelope's turning that house into her brothel place." Penny says as they stand up and Alice says, "Ok, let's go."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now