Ch. 50.

49 1 0

3rd POV
The Serpents, Lacey & Lilah look at each other before Penny & Voldemort walk out of the bedroom with some of their minions and Penny says. "Long time no see Jonesy." Jughead glared at her and asked again. "What the hell do you want?" Penny laughed before she says, "You know exactly what I want and so do the rest of them." She looks at Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin Toni Cheryl and Betty. As Voldemort said. "Ah, Lilah & Lacey, are these your new friends that you 2 betrayed me and death eaters with? Because if they are, they can stay here and watch the rest of the videos with us mwahaha."

Lacey and Lilah look at each other trying not to cry, when they both feel arms wrap around their waist, It was Jughead and Sweet Pea. "Like I've said twice now, what the hell do you want Penny?" Jughead says tightening his grip on Lacey's waist sensing that she's about to cry. "Let's go to the living room and talk." The Serpents follow her as Lacey & Lilah stand there glaring at Voldemort who said. "Let's go, you can stay with the Southside Serpents and we can finish the videos then." Jughead & Sweet Pea look at each other before Jughead asks. "What videos bestie?" Lacey sighed closing her eyes and said. "Voldemort & death eaters have been keeping tabs on me & Lilah, they know everything that happened with--"

"Can we just get this done and over with?" Lilah asked cutting Lacey off. They walk to the living room and watched the rest of the videos and after they watched all of them, the Southside Serpents sat there stunned while Lacey & Lilah sat there feeling uncomfortable trying not to cry. "Now, me and death eaters have some stuff that we want to admit." Voldemort says as Lacey and Lilah look at him and Lilah says bitterly, "Admit what?" "Ok, not everything, but some stuff that happened in Riverdale, was our doing. Like the uh-- what's it called Penny?" Voldemort asked her.

"The Black Hood, Gargoyle King, Fangs getting shot at the jubilee & stuff like that." Lacey whimpered. Jughead put her on his lap cuddling her tightly sitting beside Fangs who rubs her back gently and glared at Voldemort and Penny saying. "Is there anything else you want to admit?" "Yeah, um...--" Voldemort gets cut off by Lilah who says, "Were you the cause of Fred Andrews getting shot multiple times? The Shady man? Dodger & everything else?" Lilah growled at them. Penny and Voldemort look at each other and smirk before Voldemort said, "Why yes we were, and let me tell you it was fun seeing them in pain and suff-" Lilah smacked him across the face and pulls out her wand pointing it at him and says. "Say that again and I swear I will end you or worse kill you." Voldemort laughed maniacally and says, "Do it I dare you." Pulling out his own wand.

"Stupify!!" Lilah says as Lacey pulled out her own wand and says. "Crucio!!!" The Serpents sat there jaw dropped watching Lacey & Lilah who kicked and smacked Voldemort hard over and over again until he said. "Stop it!!!" "No!!! Ever since me and Lacey moved to Riverdale, you've been keeping tabs on us and before we moved to Riverdale, you ruined our life!!! And you're still ruining our life!!! And now you're bringing our friends into the hell and torture that me and Lacey tried to get away from into the hell and torture and that's NOT ok with us!!!!!!!!!" Lilah says slapping Voldemort one more time before one of the death eaters tripped her making her fall and yelp.

Sweet Pea's eyes widen and he growled standing up pulling out his knife and his brass knuckles smiling before he punched the death eater named Xize in the face and looks at Voldemort saying. "Mess with Lilah and Lacey again, and you're not just going to deal with me, you'll be dealing with them. (looks at the rest of the Serpents, and then he pointed to the door seeing FP, Alice, Charles, and the rest of Parentdale/ their kids standing there). And them." Sweet Pea said.

FP, Alice, Fred, Mary, Hermione, Hiram, Sierra, Tom, Charles, Gladys, JB, Archie, Veronica, Kevin, and Reggie stare at them. "Hello." Hiram says smiling evilly looking at Voldemort and death eaters. "Hi." "Lilah what's wrong?" Alice asked her sitting beside her on the floor as Lilah climbed into her lap crying hysterically. FP looks at her before he finds Lacey sitting beside Jughead again and he said, "So what is this place guys?" "Penny and the Ghoulies hiding spot besides Voldemort and Voldemort's minions house." Jughead said staring Voldemort and Voldemort's minions up and down.

"Well then in that case, Ashton Derek, Dave Hog-Eye and Mustang, you guys were right, they really are just as weird as those 2 guys that we saw that one day walking outside of the house from Derek's house." FP said staring Voldemort and his minions up and down before he and ParentDale (except Alice who was still on the floor with Lilah in her lap) start looking around the house with Charles. "Just out of curiosity muggles, what are you doing?" Voldemort asked ParentDale and Charles who looked at him before Charles asked, "Hey Lacey or Lilah, did he just insult us?" "No. He called you what ppl who aren't witches and wizards are called." Lacey said avoiding eye contact with everybody.

"Ah ok well then, we're going to look around your house." Charles told Voldemort holding out a piece of paper with writing on it before he continues, "This is called a warrant and--" The door opened again with everybody looking to see who it was and Lacey's eyes widen getting out of Jughead's lap and running to hug the unknown person standing there wearing black pants and a green & silver shirt. "Flint!?!?!??" Lilah asked getting up from Alice's lap and hugging him tightly too. "Hi guys, long time no see eh?" The guy named Flint asked, hugging them back before he looks at Voldemort and his minions saying. "Geez Voldemort still up to no good, aren't you?" Flint asked as Voldemort nods and says, "Well yeah." Flint looked at him before he turned to Lacey and Lilah saying, "Just like old times, am I right?" 

Lacey and Lilah look at him and smile before Lilah says, "Yeah, unfortunately it's gotten worse though." She rolled her eyes and Lacey said. "They're still mean and evil as they used to be, but now me and Lilah think it's gotten worse Flint." "Yeah, I know. That's why I'm here actually, I'm working with the muggle police now and--" Flint stops looking around the room seeing ParentDale, Midnight Club, Southside Serpents, Kevin, Reggie, Archie, Veronica and Betty sitting & standing there staring at him before he asked. "Who are these people, and why the bloody hell are they staring at me?!!!"

Lacey and Lilah look at each other before Lacey says. "These are our new friends, we'd tell you their names, but what's the point? Just because we're talking to you again, doesn't mean we trust you." "That and you might be out to get them too like Voldemort and his minions." Lilah added as they both get back in Jughead's lap & Alice's lap. Flint looked at them and smiled saying, "Ok, and I get that. Because we haven't seen each other in 2 years. So yeah I get it. And hey, maybe I can earn your guys' trust back." "Girls, we can take care of our selves now tell the nice wizard who we are, because if you don't, we will." Charles continues looking Flint up and down curiously.

"Do it yourself, Charles. We're not going to get blamed for this, if something bad happens again." Lilah says as she and Lacey get up again with the Southside Serpents following them including FP besides Kevin Reggie and Varchie as they walked out of the creepy house and went back to the Whyte Wyrm. "Ok girls, spill the tea. What was that back there? And who was the new mysterious guy too, that you 2 hugged when you saw him." Jughead asked.

Lacey and Lilah look at each other before they burst out laughing and Lilah asked. "Oh are you talking about the guy wearing black pants and a green/silver short sleeve shirt?" "Uh... Yeah." Jughead says mockingly smiling a little bit making them smile before Lacey says, "Oh, that's just our old friend Marcus Flint." "It's the truth, oh and Sweets, Fangsy, and Joaquin?" "Yeah?" Fangs asked as he Sweet Pea and Joaquin look at Lilah. "If you thought that, Blaise Draco and Theo are very strange and mysterious too, so is Flint, but it's ok because out of all of them, Flint, Wormtail, & Yaxley are the good ones." Lilah said.

"Hey!!! We have to talk to Wormtail & Yaxley and tell them that Flint's back. Do you guys want to come with us?" Lacey asked looking at FP who smiles and says, "I'll go with you." "Cheryl and I will also go with you." Toni says as they hold Lacey and Lilah's hand. "The rest of you stay up here." FP says as the girls and Choni were halfway down the stairs to the basement where Wormtail & Yaxley are still being held hostage.

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