Ch. 79

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After school, Lacey & Lilah went to the place where Lilah was talking about on the way to lunch. "So we're here." Lilah says as they get out of the car and walk up to the front of the house that says sold. "Ok Lilah, tell me why we're here." Lacey says as they walk in the front door of the house. "The reason why we're here is because... I bought us this house and--" Lilah stops talking seeing the gang and Charles standing behind them near there cars with their arms crossed.

"Well well well, look who we found." Charles says as he got closer to Lacey & Lilah. "It's our favorite girls in the whole world." Charles handcuffed them and one of his men working with him got in Lilah's car while Jughead grabbed Lacey and put her in the car with him Fangs Archie Toni & Joaquin, while Betty got Lilah and put her in the car with her Sweet Pea Cheryl Veronica and Kevin, Reggie got back in his own car aka Bella and followed Charles who followed Bughead in their cars, while Betty and her crew took Lilah to Dilton Doiley's bunker... Jughead and his crew took Lacey to the Whyte Wyrm.

Dilton Doiley's Bunker
"Kevin & Sweet Pea, put Lilah over there on the bed and tie her up." Betty says as Cheryl Veronica & Kevin got stuff out of the bags they were carrying and handed it to Betty who grabbed it and said. "Ok I've got it now, when I need you guys again I'll call you, now in the meantime go do whatever you want." Cheryl says. "Ok, we're going to Veronica's speakeasy now." "Ok." Betty mumbles as she hears them leave and then she turns to Lilah smirking before she gets closer to her and whispers. "You have alot of explaining to do, so does Lacey but Jughead's gonna make her talk just like I'm gonna make you talk." Lilah just stared at her before she smirked.

Whyte Wyrm
Jughead opens the door to the Whyte Wyrm going up to FP's office and says. "Guys I've got this now, go play pool or something like that.... and give us some privacy." "Ok if you need us, that's where we'll be." Joaquin said as he Fangs Archie & Toni walked out of FP's office, as soon as the door shut behind them Jughead sits in FP's chair and pulls out his phone and then put it back in his pocket, Lacey sat on the chair and bit her lip both of them sitting in silence for 20 minutes until the door starts to open and FP walks in wearing his sheriff uniform and his Serpent jacket over it and says. "I got your text, what's up?"

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now