Ch. 78

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"Well, let's go find her!!!!" Jughead says as he, the Serpents, & the rest of the gang get up with Parentdale walking out the door except for Sweet Pea & Fangs who stayed back and walked into the kitchen and Fangs said. "We know what you're thinking girls, and it's not your fault ok you might think that it is... But it's not we promise everything that Voldemort and his minions do to us or anybody else in Riverdale IS NOT YOUR FAULT!!!! We promise." Lacey & Lilah burst out crying, Sweet Pea & Fangs wrapped them up in a hug tightly not letting them go.

That night at Falice's house,
Lacey & Lilah stayed up all night in FP & Lacey's room thinking about what FP said earlier and what Sweet Pea & Fangs said too. "Y'know they're right." Lilah says as she and Lacey lay on the bed watching tv. "Who's right?" "Voldemort and death eaters, besides tall boy, Penny, & the Ghoulies are now just finding out how bad Voldemort and his minions are and what they're capable of..." Lacey sighs and says. "Yeah I know, so what should we do?" Lilah smirks and says. "I have an idea, but we cannot tell anyone about this including Fangs & Sweet Pea." Lacey looks at Lilah confused before she says, "Ok, I'm trusting & following you." Lilah smirks back and says nothing for the rest of the night.

The next 2 days Lacey & Lilah went to school and hungout with the gang so they (the gang) wouldn't be so suspicious & worried about them especially Jughead because he already has enough stuff on his plate, he doesn't need anymore stuff to stress him out then he already is. "So after school, we're going to this place that I found on the internet to look at a house." Lilah whispers to Lacey as they walk to lunch while the gang walked in front of them to their usual table. "Ok, but why?" Lacey whispers back before Bughead Sweet Pea & Fangs walk up to them and Jughead says. "Girls, our table is this way." "Sorry Jug... but me and Lacey decided to go sit by ourself today, we'll catch up with you guys later." Lilah says as she & Lacey walk to an empty lunch table leaving the gang confused sitting down watching them.

"What was that?" Kevin asked as he Joaquin & Reggie look at Bughead. "We have no idea." Betty says as Jughead looks around seeing Draco Blaise & Theo sitting at their lunch table talking before he looks back at his own table and says. "Maybe Theo knows what's happening." Sweet Pea & Fangs look at each other before Fangs asked. "Do you want us to go talk to them?" "No. At least not yet." Jughead says looking back at the Slytherins and then at Lacey & Lilah who are too much into talking to each other than looking around noticing the gang's eyes on them.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now