Ch. 80

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Jughead points to Lacey sitting in the other chair across the desk and says. "Me Betty and the rest of the gang were just driving around today after school, with Charles & Reggie following us, we stopped at this stop sign, Kevin & Joaquin saw Lilah's car at this house that said sold Joaquin pointed it out to us so we went to the house and we stood by our cars waiting for something to happen and then we heard Lilah tell Lacey that she (Lilah) bought the house for them and that... well that's all we heard because as soon as Lilah saw us she stopped talking."

FP looked between Lacey & Jughead before he threw his stuff on the desk and took off his Serpent jacket and sighs saying. "Ok, get out Jug, I'll deal with it." Jughead gets up out of the chair heading to the door but stops and says, "Charles handcuffed her & Lilah too, I don't have a key." FP raised his eyebrows before he gets a set of keys out of his pocket and unhandcuffed Lacey who was about to get up, but FP sat on her and says. "If I need you, I'll come & get you." "Ok I'll be playing pool with Fangs Joaquin Archie & Toni." Jughead says leaving closing the door behind them.

FP was about to say something but before he could Lacey cut him off. "Just so you know I had nothing to do with this... It was all Lilah." FP smirks and says, "I know, now c'mere." Lacey walks to him and he pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her tightly for a few minutes before he sighs and says. "We need to talk." "Talk about what?" FP sighs and squeezed her hand tight but gently. "We need to talk about what happened the other night to me Alice Betty & the Serpents when we didn't show up to Veronica's speakeasy that night after we said that we would." Lacey tenses up, FP must've felt that because he tightens his grip on her and starts to stroke her hair. "Do you already know what happened?" FP asked as Lacey starts to cry into his shirt.

"What do you think?" Lacey asks through tears as the door opens again with Jughead and the Serpents besides Betty Alice and Lilah. "We gotta go now!!" Jughead says looking at FP. "What why?" "JB, Charles, & now mom got kidnapped by Penny & the Ghoulies because Voldemort told them too, at least that's what Theo Blaise & Draco came to tell us. Lacey, you & Lilah have to help us, we have to stop them once and for all. 1. So you two will stop blaming yourself for everything bad happening in Riverdale. & 2. Because we don't want you 2 to pack up and leave everything and all your friends behind and that we'll never see you again." Lilah and Lacey look at each other, Lilah sighs before closing her eyes trying not to cry, now knowing that Hiram can't be trusted anymore since he told them & Parentdale everything.

Lacey & FP got up and followed the gang wherever they were going, Lilah stays in the back with Lacey and says. "The only reason why I said that was because I was hanging out with Hiram that night, we started talking and well... apparently while I passed out from crying Hiram called Parentdale and then they told their kids." "Great." Lacey mumbles before she says. "Well the gang has to find out who we really are sooner or later... and apparently it's sooner than expected." "You think?!." Lilah replied as the gang get to the blue house with a black fence and red roses.

"We're going in first." Lilah says staring the serpents down especially Jughead who says. "Ok fine." "But you can't go in until we give you a whistle or you hear a loud bang." Lacey says. "Why not?" FP asked, Lacey & Lilah look at each other before they sigh. "Because you just can't!!!" The gang turn around and see Blaise standing there with Draco & Theo in a green & silver robe, they also have their wands out too. "It's for your own safety." Theo said as he & Draco throw 2 more wands at Lacey & Lilah, Blaise said. "Let's go. You guys can stay out here on the porch or go hangout with those 4 serpents that live across the street." He points to the house across the street from where they're at.

FP sits on the black chair outside on the porch followed by the gang. "Fine, we'll stay out here... but one sound that we hear or don't like we're going in." "Ok, but that's not necessary." Theo says looking at Joaquin Sweet Pea & Fangs smirking, they look at him with raised eyebrows before leaning against the grey rail, Lacey opens the door walking into the house followed by Lilah Draco Blaise & Theo.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now