Ch. 114

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Lacey was tied up in a room with Blaise Draco & Theo when the door opened with Voldemort & Penny walking in, Penny looks at Lacey with disappointment in her eyes before Voldemort said. "So, you 3 are going to be like Lacey & Lilah and let their new friends tell you what to do?!?!" "It wasn't our choice Voldemort, we had to do it." Blaise said before Theo says, "That was the only thing that could make Lacey & Lilah trust & talk to us again." "Alright, fine. Penny, go get Hal Cooper, Penelope Blossom, Kurtz, & Chic now besides the Ghoulies and Tall Boy." Penny leaves the room and then Voldemort said, "You just don't know when to quit, do you Lacey?"

Lacey glared at him and said, "I'm going to kill you once and for all so you'll stop torturing me and Lilah." "Oh yeah, like you & Lilah tried that 1 day at Malfoy Manor with those drug dealers, but you 2 didn't succeed because I had to have some of my death eaters there to do it." Voldemort laughed not knowing that Penny heard the whole thing and her eyes widen before she mumbled something to Malachi and left to go to the Whyte Wyrm to find FP, Jughead or whoever she could find and tell them what Voldemort said and also what Lacey said.

"I hate you so much!!!" Lacey yelled as Voldemort kept laughing, and he sneered saying, "Back at ya." He kept laughing before the door bursts open with Penny FP and the gang including Lilah and Lilah growled, "Let her go, you stupid idiot with no nose." Voldemort kept laughing and said, "No. I don't think so 😂 not unless you do something for me." "What?" Lilah snapped. "I want you to tell your new friends about your and Lacey's past." "We already did." Lilah glared at him before he starts pacing back and forth and said, "Ok, so maybe you did, but did you just tell them what you wanted them to know, or did you actually tell them what really happened in the past?"

Lilah whimpered and walked out of the room saying, "You win, Voldemort I quit. Go ahead and ruin our life even more, I don't care anymore and I'm pretty sure that Lacey doesn't care if you kill her or not." Lacey avoids eye contact with them and mumbled so no one could hear her. "That'd be better than this stupid situation I'm in now."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now