Ch. 140

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FP's new house in his room, FP and Lacey were laying down cuddling watching TV when FP asked. "So, wanna talk about what just happened a few minutes ago?" "I just told them the truth." Lacey sighs before she tries to get up, but FP pulls her back to his chest and says playing with her hair, "Ok, so can we talk? I'm only asking because I think we need to talk about some stuff." "Sure, like what?" Lacey asked trying to look at him. "Let's start with how the hell did Jughead end up getting into a relationship with Cheryl Blossom, Toni Topaz, & last but not least Veronica Lodge?!?!? It doesn't make sense!!!" FP says chuckling.

"Welp... Here's something about that..." What?" FP asked her as Lacey got on his lap facing him rubbing her hands up and down on his chest and stomach under his shirt and he grabbed her legs with his hands and smirked. "Cheryl's pregnant and it's Juggie's..." "What the hell?!?!?!" FP exclaimed surprised. "Well... If we're going to get back together, we have to be honest with each other no matter what!!! No more secrets or lies. Ok?" Lacey said.

"So, you're saying, we're getting back together?" FP smirks again pulling Lacey closer to him. "Mm, maybe." Lacey said smirking back before she giggled as FP flipped them over and started attacking her lips and shoulder before he gets closer to her ear and whispered. "Then let's start with what happened before we broke up 😅." Lacey sighs and smiles weakly saying, "Ok."

After a few days of Lacey and FP repairing their relationship back together, the gang went back to school Monday and when they were at lunch, Fangs asked Jughead where Lacey was... he was hesitant about asking him though... But he had to because Lilah & Sweet Pea weren't around, ever since Jughead's been dating Choni & Veronica, the gang try not to ask or bother him if it's not necessary... Because they don't want Cheryl snapping at them if they take up to much of Jughead's time.

Jughead told the gang with Cheryl on his lap and Toni & Veronica on either side of him what Lacey said over the weekend at FP's new house. "Do we know why?" Kevin asked as Reggie and Joaquin smack him to keep quiet since Cheryl's giving them a look that said. "Hurry-up-and-stop-talking!!!!" Jughead raised his brow at Reggie and Joaquin smacking Kevin and he asked, "When Kevin asked that, why did you smack him?!? He's my friend too!!!" Jughead asked looking at them. "Sorry, I asked... I'll just ask Lacey herself. That's what I should've done in the first place anyway... Because you're so far up Cheryl's ass that I don't think you know what's going on with Lacey, Lilah or the rest of us... except for Veronica and Choni." Kevin mumbled to himself as he and Fangs get up throwing their trays away going to class.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now