Ch. 94

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FP's office
As soon as Choni & Jughead walk in the room, Jughead shuts the door behind them and locks it saying. "So I've thought about what you 2 and Reggie said last night, if we did try this. How would it even work???" Jughead asked sitting down in FP's chair, as Cheryl & Toni look at each other before they smirk and get on either side of him.

Cheryl leans in whispering. "It would work like this." Then she kissed him passionately while Toni attacks his neck, Jughead kisses Cheryl back as she runs her hands down his chest & stomach under his shirt getting on his lap. "Cheryl!!! You have to share!!!." Toni snapped as Cheryl gets off Jughead's lap, Toni gets on him & she starts sucking a hickey into his neck as Cheryl starts rubbing his shoulders tightly making him smirk against Toni's lips kissing her quickly before she pulls away and Jughead says leaning back in FP's chair. "Ok, I'm in." "Good." Cheryl gets back on his lap and wraps her arms around his neck while Toni sits on his lap too and Jughead smirked to himself saying, "This has to be our little secret, got it?" "Yeah, we got it." Toni says leaning in for another kiss.

That night at the blue house with a black fence and red roses, Lacey walked into the house and made herself at home she sat on the couch beside Blaise as Draco & Theo look at her weird before she put her feet up on the table and Theo asked. "What are you doing?" "Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend and/or the Southside Serpents?" Draco asked as Blaise and Lacey look at each other and smirk before Lacey says. "No, I'm actually hear for a reason Malfoy." "And that reason is?" Theo asked again. "It doesn't matter guys, just as long as Lacey's back!!! Is Lilah coming too or not?" Blaise asked looking at Lacey who says, "I don't think so, but then again Idk." "Well, at least you're here, ok so here's the plan." Blaise says as Voldemort and death eaters walk in the living room with Penny, tall boy and the Ghoulies.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now