Ch. 144

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"Ok slow down Lace, tell me what happened?" Lilah says as they leave the Whyte Wyrm and Lacey shows her the text from Cheryl.

"What the hell?!?!?" Lilah says as Lacey looks like she's about to cry

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"What the hell?!?!?" Lilah says as Lacey looks like she's about to cry. "There's only one way to find out who really tried to run Jughead off the road, let's go." Lilah grabs Lacey's hand and they walk to Theo Blaise and Draco's house. When they get to Draco Theo and Blaise's house, Blaise opened the door and says, "Hi guys." "Hey." "Alright look, let me just get to it." Lilah says as they sat down on the couch and Lilah grabbed Lacey's phone opening the text from Cheryl and shows it to them and says hissing, "If you 3 had anything to do with this!!! I'll-" Lilah gets cut off by Draco saying, "We didn't do this, but we know who did." "Who?!!??!?" The girls asked as Lacey took her phone back. "Donna Brett Joan & Jonathan." Theo and Blaise said together at the same time. "Prove it before we go tell Jughead Choni and Veronica what really happened?" Lilah says looking at them and Theo said, "Ok, follow me." Those 2 get up and leave the living room with Blaise Draco and Lacey sitting there and it's so quiet and awkward...

Thistle house, "Really girls I'm fine, I promise." Jughead says laughing as Choni and Veronica try to do everything for him. "Can we at least do it for the rest of the night?" Cheryl asked pouting. "Alright fine, just for tonight." Jughead says putting his hands behind his back chuckling watching them hearing his phone vibrate and he grabbed it with one hand and reads the text from whoever texted him. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Jughead chuckles, when his girls walked back in the room with more food and said

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Jughead chuckles, when his girls walked back in the room with more food and said. "Ok, I just got a text from FP and he wants me to come over for a few hours, I'll be back later. You 3 stay here and make Cheryl take a nap and take care of our baby." Jughead says rubbing Cheryl's stomach, "Ok." Toni says as she and Veronica get on the bed watching TV and eat the food, Cheryl sat there being quiet knowing that Lacey probably texted him again even though she told Lacey not to call text or hangout with them & Jughead anymore so Cheryl might be 2 months pregnant now, but she still has a few tricks up her sleeve.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now