Ch. 133

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Lilah sighs leaning against Sweet Pea and says, "At the time, Lacey and I didn't know that the Slytherin snake 🐍🖤💚 necklaces were worth a fortune until Theo told me a few months ago that it was, and apparently Narcissa's friend found out about it so she's making her granddaughter and her friends help her with stealing it so they can have the fortune... If they want it that bad, they can have it. It'll make our life less miserable and tortureable then it already is." Lilah mumbled that last part hoping the gang and FP didn't hear her, but they did. "What?" FP asked.

"Nothing... In fact now that I think about it, I haven't seen Lacey all day not since school... I wonder where she is." Lilah pulls out her phone and FP asked, "What the hell are you doing?!" "I'm calling Lacey." FP grabbed her phone out of her hand and says, "I'm sure wherever she is, she's fine, c'mon Lil hang it up." Jughead Sweet Pea Fangs and Joaquin look at each other and smirk before Jughead asked. "Is Lacey hiding in here somewhere?" "Maybe..." FP says smirking making the Serpents laugh before the rest of the gang and Lilah said, "WHAT?!?!"
"So, are you 2 back together?" Fangs asked. "I wouldn't say that... at least not yet anyway, but we're hooking up and I'm getting her to trust me again."

Lilah got up and left opening the front door and slammed it back shut behind her. "I'll go get her." Sweet Pea says getting up and following Lilah out the door. FP sighs and says, "I get Lilah's mad at me, but she doesn't have to be mad at Lacey." "We know." Joaquin said. "So, do you have any food or anything like that?" Reggie asked FP who laughs and says, "It's in the fridge, go get it yourself. I'm gonna go tell Lacey that it's ok for her to come out now." The gang laugh before they all headed to the kitchen, while FP walked to his room opening the door and noticed Lacey's gone and the window's open, but it's pouring down rain outside, so she had to be kidnapped because Lacey hates going outside when it's raining.

FP looked around the room, before he found a note that says, "You want Lacey back, give us the 2 necklaces at this time and place Friday night, but until then, Lacey's going to stay with us, oh btw bring Jughead Jones with you but you 3 have to come alone."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now