Ch. 120

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FP was sitting on the couch in his new house watching TV, when the door opened with the gang walking in except for Jughead, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni, & Cheryl. "Hey guys, what's up?" "Hey, we just decided to come over and hangout with you." Joaquin said as he, Reggie, Kevin, Betty, Archie & Veronica walked in and sat down on the couch beside FP.

"Ok, are you guys ok?" FP asked looking at them. "Yeah, we're fine." The gang said as Veronica looked around for Choni and/or Jughead not seeing them and she sighed. "Ok so, do you want any food or anything like that?" FP asked getting up off the couch walking to the kitchen with them following him and Betty says, "Woah, you live here now?" FP gripped the cup he was holding and says through gritted teeth almost growling, "Yeah, I live here now, and if any of you tell Alice where I live, especially you (looks at Betty) I'm going to make sure that you & Jughead never get back together and then we're going to ruin your life with Hiram Lodge's help since he likes to do that."

"I'm not going to say anything about it to mom, I promise, besides Jughead has 2 new whores anyway." Betty starts as Veronica slapped her across the floor and then her face yelling, "Toni and Cheryl aren't whores, if anybody is... It's you considering you & Archie like to cheat on me & Jughead every chance you got, when Bughead and Varchie were still together." Veronica sneered as Betty said, "OMG, you like Jughead too, don't you?" "So what if I do, there's nothing you can do about it." Betty got up from the floor and slammed Veronica against the wall and pulled her hair and Veronica kicked her. "STOP!!!" FP yelled. "Everybody get the hell out now, I just moved in here a few days ago, I'm not going to lose it because of you. (Looks at Beronica).

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now