Ch. 55

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After Lilah and Sweet Pea pulled away, Fangs started smirking and said. "Me and Lacey knew that you 2 liked each other!!!!" "You like me?" Sweet Pea and Lilah ask at the same time. The gang started laughing as Lilah and Sweet Pea get up to talk privately, when the basement door opened again with Lacey walking back upstairs sitting beside Reggie acting like nothing's happening even though something is happening...

"Hey Lace." The gang said as FP & Jughead look at her before Jughead sits beside her holding her close to him tightly. "Hey guys." Lacey says as FP sits behind her & Jughead, the gang started talking again when 2 pairs of shoes walk up to their table and FP must've noticed them standing there, because he looked at them before he said. "Who the hell are you, and what do you want?" Lacey Jughead Choni Varchie Kevin Reggie Alice Betty Fangs & Joaquin look at them too before Lilah walked back to the table with Sweet Pea following her. Lacey and Lilah look at each other before they sighed and Lacey asked. "Hey guys, how are ya, it's been 2 years since I've seen you last and this goes for Lilah too. So what's up? Let's go talk over there."

Lacey gets up with Lilah following them but before she did, she whispered something so only the gang could hear her. "Listen up gang, and you better listen good, me and Lacey are going trick the people from our past by pretending that we still want to be friends with them, even though we don't except for Blaise, Wormtail & Yaxley, so can you guys like play along too?" "Yeah, we can, we'll do anything you and Lacey tell us too." FP says, the Serpents Alice Betty Reggie Kevin Archie and Veronica agree with him. "Wait but Lilah is it like this? You and Lacey are friends with them in front of Penny and Voldemort and it's real, but in front of us it's fake?" Toni said looking at her. "Yeah, can you guys handle that?" Lilah asked. "Of course we can." Sweet Pea said as he looks at the table where Lacey is sitting with the 2 strangers and asked. "Can you tell us who they are?"

Lilah looks at the table where Lacey's sitting at talking to the strangers and Lilah smiles sadly saying. "Wormtail and Yaxley were right, they said that more people from the past would show up out of the blue and there's proof. Anyway Sweets, that's Crabbe and Goyle." FP Cheryl and Toni look at each other before Cheryl asks. "The other day, when me Toni and FP went down to the basement with you and Lacey to see Wormtail and Yaxley so you could tell them that the one guy Flint is back. I just have 1 question Lilah what Wormtail & Yaxley said about that one thing are they telling you the truth or not?" Cheryl looked at Lilah who says. "Bombshell, Wormtail and Yaxley are the only ones telling me and Lacey besides you guys especially Hog-Eye the truth. Anyway what time is it, I have to meet Hiram Hermione Mary & Fred at the Pembroke because I have to help them with something."

FP looked at his phone and said, "It's 6:00." "Ok, then I have 3 hours til I have to leave." "Ok." The gang turned back around to where Lacey was, when they heard a loud noise and Goyle was holding his cheek. "Lilah, what just happened?" Jughead asked as the gang look at each other before looking at Lilah who smiles and says, "IDK, I'll be back though." Lilah walked to where Lacey Crabbe and Goyle were sitting and she heard Lacey whisper yelling at Goyle saying, "You ever try to kiss me again and I swear I will end you. Now what the hell do you 2 want???? It's bad enough that Voldemort and his minions besides Zabini Malfoy Nott & Flint are already here, so I'm going to ask again what the hell do you guys want from me?!?!?? From us?!"

Lilah's eyes widen and she smacked Goyle across the face too whisper yelling, "You tried to kiss Lacey!?!??!??!?" Crabbe smirked and said. "Yeah, he did." Lacey and Lilah look at him before Lacey sneered. "You didn't stop him, you sat there and was about to let it happen!!!!!" Lilah's eyes widen again and she smacked Crabbe across the face again too before she grabbed their hands and said. "Let's go Lace, follow me!!" Lacey followed Lilah who ended up taking them back to the gang's table and says "Hey Sweet Pea, do you want to know something funny?" The gang looks at her and Sweet Pea asked. "Yeah sure, what?" Lilah whispers something in FP's ear telling him and Jughead to trust her and they nod as Lilah said. "Ok, this guy right here (points to Goyle) tried to kiss Lacey but before he could, she slapped him across the face, that's what the noise was."

The gang sat there shocked and stunned while FP clenched his jaw and said calmly. "What the hell did Lilah just say?" "She said that Goyle tried to freaking kiss me!!!!!" Lacey says looking at him before she looks at Crabbe and Goyle glaring at them before she got on FP's lap wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately making him smirk into the kiss deepening it.

Crabbe and Goyle stood there frozen and shocked as Jughead Lilah and the rest of the gang sat there smiling and smirking before Jughead said looking at them standing up with Joaquin Sweet Pea and Fangs circling around Crabbe and Goyle. "If you ever try to kiss my best friend or my dad's girlfriend again we're going to hurt you and Lilah's not gonna stop us, in fact I think she might even help us." Jughead says fake smiling before he put his brass knuckles on and punched Goyle in the stomach making him double over in pain. Jughead smirks and says, "Archie Kevin & Reggie take him and his friend and put them down in the basement where Wormtail and Yaxley are, Lilah can go with you."

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