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Carl's house in the living room
"So are we sure this is going to work?" Charles & Chic asked as Carl Penny Tall boy Gladys and the Ghoulies sat around the living room. "Yeah, it's going to work, but to make sure we have some new recent friends that could help us too with this." Gladys said as Penny and Malachi look at each other and smirk. "Who?!" Chic asked her. "Donna Sweet, Brett Wallis, and some of their friends at Stonewall Prep." Gladys continued before Penny said, "Let's not forget Narcissa Malfoy and all of her friends too." "Oh yeah & them." Gladys said as Charles Chic & Carl started laughing evilly making the rest of them laugh too.

The gang went back to FP's house, watching TV when Sweet Pea & Fangs feel their phones vibrate, they look at each other before they pull out their phone to see who texted them, they bite their lip before they read the texts and think back to what Jughead asked them well Fangs to do for him, they smile before they open the texts from Jughead. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

Sweet Pea & Fangs look at each other again before Sweet Pea mouthed

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Sweet Pea & Fangs look at each other again before Sweet Pea mouthed. "We should probably tell Lacey & Lilah what we're doing." Fangs nods as he texted Lacey who was sitting beside FP in his black leather chair.

Lacey looks up from her phone and looks at Fangs & Sweet Pea who motions to the door and Lacey gets up grabbing Lilah's hand who's sitting in between Reggie & Joaquin on the couch and then they walked outside with Sweet Pea & Fangs closing the doo...

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Lacey looks up from her phone and looks at Fangs & Sweet Pea who motions to the door and Lacey gets up grabbing Lilah's hand who's sitting in between Reggie & Joaquin on the couch and then they walked outside with Sweet Pea & Fangs closing the door behind them.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now