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The gang look at each other before Archie asked, "Do you 2 think we'll ever meet them?" "Probably." Lilah says looking at Lacey who's biting her lip before they jump when they hear the door open and close behind them and Bughead walked in. "What's up guys?" Jughead chuckles. "Apparently, there's 3 vampires, 1 witch, and one human girl living in Riverdale now with Draco Theo and Blaise." FP said as the gang chuckles before Lacey & Lilah get up off of Sweet Pea & FP before they left FP's house quietly while the gang sat there laughing hysterically. "Vampires aren't real." Betty said as she & Jughead sit on the couch.

"They don't believe us!!" Lilah yells kicking the ground as Lacey grabs her arm and says, "Let's go back to the Slytherin House here in Riverdale & show the gang we're not lying by staying there with them." "Ok, let's go." They walk back to Draco Theo and Blaise's house, Lilah yanked the door open and slammed it closed saying. "Ok Slytherin snakes since the gang don't believe us about Damon Stefan Caroline Bonnie & Elena, me & Lacey are staying with you until the gang finally realize that we're not making any of this up." "Ok, cool." Damon said from the kitchen with Draco Theo & Blaise walking into the living room. "Ok, what Damon said, besides they really don't believe you guys about-- (points to the kitchen)??" "They don't believe us at all!!! In fact they all burst out laughing including Sweet Pea & Fangs." Lacey says throwing her phone and bag against the couch. "Fine, wanna get back at them?" Draco asked as he Blaise & Theo started smirking making Lacey & Lilah smirk back before Lilah asked. "What do you guys have in mind?"

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now