Ch. 110

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"What?" Lacey asked trying to pull away from Jughead, but he doesn't let her. "You said, that Falice isn't the only reason why you left Riverdale." Kevin said. "So, what's the other reason or reasons?" Archie asked as Beronica look at him. "I bet I know." Lilah says sitting on Sweet Pea's lap, he wrapped his arms around her waist tightly making her giggle. "What's the reason Lilah?" Veronica asked looking at her.

Lilah & Betty look at each other before Lilah said. "Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, & Theo Nott, at least I'm pretty sure that's the reason." Lilah says squeezing Sweet Pea, he tightened his grip on her before Lacey mumbled. "That's not the only reason Lil." "Then what is it?" Lilah asked. "Voldemort & death eaters." Lacey says as she feels Jughead tightened his grip on her, he basically puts her on his lap & cuddles her like he does with Choni and..... "Oh yeah, them too." Lilah laughs before she buries her face into Sweet Pea's neck, he rubs her back gently. "Well, we'll deal with that later, Lacey get your stuff & let's go, we're going back to Riverdale now." Betty says getting up with the gang except Jughead & Sweet Pea who are still sitting down and Betty said, "C'mon guys, let's go."

"What's the rush? Cousin, I thought we were going to have some fun while we were here." Cheryl says eyeing Lacey & Jughead and how close they were. "Y'know, Cheryl's right, let's go have some fun." Veronica says making Choni look at her, they glare at her not noticing that Jughead saw that, & he said. "Stop glaring at Veronica, girls." "Sorry sir." Choni mumbled looking at the floor finding it fascinating, Barchie look at each other before Betty said. "What the hell did they just say?" The gang look wide-eyed and they all leave the hotel room Lacey included, leaving Bughead Varchie & Choni in the hotel room after they get Lacey's stuff putting it in the car and then they drive off going to a store in Greendale.

"Answer me Jughead, what the hell did Cheryl & Toni just say?" Betty asked again sitting down on the bed with Archie & Veronica beside her. "They called me sir, ok?! Are you happy now? You don't get a say in what I do, we're not dating anymore. We broke up just like those 2 (points to Varchie) so stop attacking me, you don't have the right to attack me or Choni!!! And if you do, and I find out we're going to have problems." Jughead says standing up grabbing Choni's hand and they were about to walk out the door, when Jughead turns around and says. "And you don't get to be dark Betty anymore either and if you do, or if you do anything to my girls, I will hunt you down & end you." Jughead growled that last part before he & Choni leave the hotel room seeing the car come back.

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