Ch. 19

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After school, the gang all went to the Whyte Wyrm seeing FP & Alice sitting at the bar talking to Hog-Eye, when the door opened with Charles walking in seeing Jughead and walked to him. "I think I have something for you & FP." Jughead looks at him and leads him upstairs to FP's office closing the door locking it standing in front of it. "Start talking."

Charles sits on the couch as Jughead double checked that the door was locked and sat beside him on the couch. "I looked through the book that FP gave me last night to look at, and I found some stuff that I thought you & the Serpents should know." Charles said looking at him. "We should know what?" Jughead asks. "I wrote it down for you, because it's alot, so I summed it up." Charles says handing him the piece of paper.

Jughead grabs it looking at it for a few minutes and his eyes widen with his jaw clenched and growls, "Go downstairs and get FP & etc now." Jughead says not taking his eyes off the piece of paper. Charles does what Jughead said and a few minutes later, the Serpents walked in with Charles locking the door behind them again. "So why are we here?" Cheryl asked. "Because of this!!!" Jughead yells getting up throwing the paper on the floor and kicking the wall mumbling to himself, 'That's why Lacey & Lilah are acting weird.' Sweet Pea picks up the paper and reads it out loud.

All the Serpents stand there shocked with their jaws dropped, until Charles says holding up the green/silver handmade notebook that says Slytherin on it with a green snake 🐍 under it. "I got that out of this book that FP gave me yesterday at Pop's."
Jughead kicks the wall again and looks at them saying, "That's why Lacey's acting so weird!!!" FP growled lowly and says. "Jughead call a Serpent meeting in 10 minutes, I'm going to go find Lacey & Lilah, Sweet Pea let's go you're coming with me, we'll be back in 10 minutes." As FP & Sweet Pea walked out of FP's office and out the front door. FP pulls out his phone calling Lacey, it rings for a few minutes until he growled again and throws it in the seat next to him.

"Do you want me to try?" Sweet Pea asked. "Yeah and if she doesn't answer you, then call Lilah." FP answers. Sweet Pea called Lacey and it rings for a few minutes and goes to voicemail. "I'm calling Lilah." FP nods driving to the places that they're usually at and they're not there, then FP thought about what Mustang, Ashton, Mark, Dave & Derek told him & Jughead he drove to Derek's house seeing Derek, Ashton and Mustang on the porch talking. FP & Sweet Pea got out of the truck and walked up to them. "Hey guys, I'm just gonna get to the point. Where is the house that you 3 said that you saw Lacey & Lilah going and coming out of the other day?" FP asked looking at them. "That house right there but I'm going to warn you, the people that live there are weird and strange like they dress really weird and yeah..." Dave said pointing to the blue house with a black fence and red roses.

"So be very careful guys." Mustang said as Ashton says, "Look there's 2 guys coming out of the house now." FP & Sweet Pea look at where Ashton's pointing & Sweet Pea said. "Ok that's creepy."

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