Ch. 73

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As soon as Megan & Chloe put their clothes back on, they leave the room FP sat there confused and pissed off breathing heavily, when the door opened again, he looked up seeing Blaise Draco & Theo standing there. "Are you ok?" Theo asked as he and the other 2 walk in the room closing it.
FP looks at him and says, "No I'm not, I'm pissed off because the Serpents & me including Alice and Betty got kidnapped and then 2 girls-" "Megan and Chloe." Draco says looking at him. "Whatever, they walked in here and basically forced me to have sex with them and when I didn't do it, they put something on my nose and mouth making me pass out instantly!!! So no Theo I'm pissed, no I'm more than pissed off I'm furious and livid and if I don't see Lacey or Lilah in the next few hours or days, I'm gonna kill some people!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Theo Blaise & Draco look at each other before Blaise walked closer to FP and untied him and says, "We have a plan to get you Jughead Alice and etc out of here without Voldemort and his minions knowing, but you're gonna have to trust us & Penny besides Malachi and the Ghoulies." FP gets out of the chair pulling his boxers and pants back up and says. "I'll do anything to get out of here." And so Blaise Draco & Theo especially Theo told FP the plan and that night they did it and all of the Serpents were free including Betty & Alice without Voldemort and his minions knowing about it.

"Thanks guys." Jughead says as they're back at Falice's house. "You're welcome, now we do have a favor to ask you." Theo said looking at FP who says, "Name it and we'll see what we can do." "Can you see if Lacey & Lilah will be our friend again?" Blaise asked FP Jughead Fangs Joaquin and Sweet Pea look at each other before Jughead said. "We'll see what we can do, just like... everything that happened tonight... don't tell Lacey & Lilah especially Lacey or she/they'll blame their self all over again." "Too late... because I uh kinda already told Lilah and she said that she'd keep it quiet." "Great." The Serpents mumbled before FP says. "Ok, look here's the deal, help us make sure Lacey doesn't find out about what happened tonight and we'll... I'll make sure that Lacey & Lilah will be your friend again. Ok?"

"Ok, that works for us." Blaise says as Draco pulls out a card and hands it to FP who takes it and asked. "What is this?" "It's a uh... Theo you can explain it." "That's basically our card like if you guys ever need us or something like that... call or text preferably text us and we'll be there as soon as we can." Theo said as he Blaise & Draco look at the door when it opens seeing Lacey & Lilah walking in dying of laughter because they're drunk. "Hi girls."

Jughead says looking at them before they look at each other and burst out laughing going upstairs. "Uh ok, so like we said, if you ever need us or something like that... text that number and we'll be there." Theo said as Blaise & Draco walked to the door. "Actually, there is one thing you guys can do for us." FP says looking at the Serpents and then at Hog-Eye who mouths. "Ask them & then if they say yes, tell them to ask Wormtail & Yaxley too." FP smirks and says, "Do you guys want to get away from Voldemort and his minions aka death eaters? Because if you do, since you've helped us with escaping tonight, we'll help you 3 besides Wormtail & Yaxley out if you want to get away from Voldemort."

"We're listening." Theo says as he got pulled into FP's arm, FP smirks saying, "Do you guys want a job at the Whyte Wyrm bartending with them?" He said pointing to Hog-Eye and the Serpents. "Sure why not, but you're gonna have to train us." Blaise said. "Don't worry we will, now do you guys think that Wormtail & Yaxley would wanna come too?" "Oh yeah." Draco says as Blaise and Theo shake their head yeah. "Interesting, then you guys can spend the night with us here tonight, and tomorrow we'll take you to the Whyte Wyrm with us, Hog-Eye can show you what to do." FP says as Alice and Betty walk out of the kitchen and sit on the couch. "Ok cool, thanks FP." Blaise Draco & Theo say at the same time making him and the Serpents look at each other and smirk before Jughead said. "Well you 3 can follow me Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin up to my room let's go."

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