Ch. 22

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Gladys Jones was standing outside the door of the Whyte Wyrm on the phone, Lacey froze, Lilah looked back at Sweet Pea Fangs and Joaquin and teased. "I'm going to beat you." Sweet Pea laughed and said. "I don't think so." "Lacey?" Toni asked as she and Cheryl tapped her shoulder. "I'm f-fine." Lacey said unfreezing and walked past them, going to the bar where Hog-Eye is. "So I'm not the only one who sees she's back?" Hog-Eye asked as Lacey sat beside him and mumbles. " No. Where's FP, Jughead and etc?" Lacey asked trying not to cry. "Upstairs in his office for some reason." Hog-Eye asked sitting a cup in front of her.

The door to FP's office opens as he Jughead Alice & Betty walk out coming down the stairs because it got quiet all of a sudden, they walk downstairs and Betty's eyes widen as she sees who's standing outside of the Wyrm on the phone, she finds Lacey talking to Hog-Eye, seeing Lilah playing pool with Choni Varchie Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin Kevin & Reggie. Betty walks to Lacey and Hog-Eye sitting beside her "Do you guys know why it's so tense all of a sudden?" Betty asked as Lacey could feel tears in her eyes and motions to the door, Betty wraps her arm around her as she starts crying softly.

Alice walked towards them as FP & Jughead went to the pool table talking to Lilah. "Is that who I think it is?" Alice says lowly. Lacey nods getting up and walking out of the Wyrm passing Gladys who just put her phone in her pocket and started opening the door to the Whyte Wyrm. Lacey went back to the blue house with a black fence and red roses opening the door, sitting on the couch seeing Blaise Draco & Theo walk out of the kitchen with Penny and the Ghoulies.

"So I guess you heard the news?" Penny says sitting beside her on the couch. Lacey nods and says, "Yeah I did, was this the 1st part of your & Voldemort's plan?" "No we had nothing to do with Gladys & Jellybean coming back to Riverdale, everything else yes, but not this." "So what do you want me to do?" Lacey asked then continues, "What do you mean everything else?" "What did Voldemort tell you?" Penny asked. "He didn't tell me anything, he just said that he'd rather let me watch it, then tell me."

"Ok well, where's the remote? I'm going to let Lacey watch the rest of it." Penny tells Blaise Draco & Theo, Draco gets it from the table handing it to Penny who turns the tv on.

Lacey watched the 2nd video her eyes widening when she saw what was on the screen. What she saw on the screen was the Black Hood coming into Pop's looking for sinners seeing Fred Andrews and shot him making him fall on the floor, Archie knelt beside him trying to stop the bleeding then the video ended. "So that was the 2nd video." Penny says as Lacey sat there feeling numb for a few minutes, before she says. "Let me watch the rest of the videos because I'm not going anywhere since Gladys & Jellybean are back."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now