Ch. 58

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"Ok, we're here what do you want?" Hermione Lodge asked as she Fred Andrews, Mary Andrews, Sierra McCoy, & Tom Keller walk in his office closing the door. Hiram points to Lilah who is now on the floor asleep because she cried herself to sleep. "What happened?" Fred asked looking at him. "Lilah texted me earlier needing my help with something, I said ok, meet me here tonight at 9:00 and we can talk and when she got here, we started talking about why she needed my help and then I gave her some wine and we started talking some more and then she said something that kinda made me get concerned." Hiram said as most of Parentdale sat down and Hermione sat beside Lilah who's still asleep looking at her before she gets her phone out and said. "I think we should get FP & Alice too especially Alice and when they get here you can tell us what happened from the beginning." "Ok." Hiram sighs looking at them.

20 minutes later, Falice opened the door and Alice said sassily. "Ok we're here, what's going on?" "Alice!!!! Now's not the time to be sassy this is serious!!!!!!!" Sierra said as she pointed to Hermione and Lilah who is still sound asleep. Falice looks at what Sierra's pointing too, their eyes widen and Alice sits on the floor with Lilah putting her in her lap, she starts stroking her hair and says through gritted teeth. "What happened!?!??"

And so Hiram tells Parentdale what happened and then he said. "After I gave Lilah some wine, after 2 glasses she told me something interesting and I think you guys especially you 2 (points to Falice) should know about this." "We should know what?" FP asked looking at Lilah sadly, and Hiram tells Parentdale what Lilah said about what if Voldemort and death eaters try to reveal Lacey & Lilah's past to the whole town, then Hiram tells them about how Lilah said that she and Lacey would disappear again and that the gang didn't & wouldn't have to deal with them or their problems anymore. "So yeah that's everything that Lilah told me." Hiram said as Alice starts crying hugging Lilah tight to her chest, FP had a look on his face that was unreadable and Hermione Mary Fred Sierra and Tom sat there stunned and shocked.

"They're not going anywhere!!!!" FP  growls smacking his hand on Hiram's desk before he continues. "I'll make sure of that, and I'm gonna let the Serpents know what you told us too. Let's go Alice!!!" FP said getting up with her following him and she carries Lilah with her and FP, Hiram hands her Lilah's bag and they walk out of the Pembroke going back to their house where Lacey Bughead and the Serpents were hanging out.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now