Ch. 34

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Lacey & Lilah get up off the floor at that, Lacey walked up to Yaxley & smacked him across the face hard growling. "Tell Blaise Zabini to never to talk to me again because if he does, I'm going to hurt him or worse kill him with my bare hands after I get ahold of Voldemort & death eaters." Then she walked out of the Whyte Wyrm crying, leaving Lilah standing there with the gang with an unreadable look on their faces before Lilah smacks him across the face too and pushed Wormtail slamming him against the wall before she grabbed the shovel and-- arms wrapped around her waist tightly kissing her gently whispering, "Don't. he's not worth it, they're not worth it." Sweet Pea holds her closer to him letting her cry.

Lacey walked away from the Whyte Wyrm walking to Sweet-Water River sitting on a rock, she starts crying every tear that she's been holding in, she stayed there for what seems like hours but was only a few minutes. Lacey picked up a small rock and then looked at her arm before she mumbled. "Screw it." She ran the rock against her skin letting blood drip and she cries harder as blood dripped onto the rock, it was deep but not deep enough where she had to go to the hospital. Lacey put the rock down and threw it in the river burying her face into her knees sobbing not knowing that Fred & Hermione were there watching the whole thing,  while Fred called Archie on the phone, Hermione picked up Lacey and took her to the car sitting with her.

(Phone Call)
Fred- Hey Arch?
Archie- Yeah dad?
Fred- Can you & Jughead meet me at the house, we found Lacey and it's not good, I'll just say that.
Archie- We're on our way
(End of phone call).

Fred gets in his car where Hermione & Lacey are and they went back to Fred's house, when they get there Archie & the gang were already there and when Lilah saw Lacey 1st her eyes widened and she whispered something to Sweet Pea who kept FP & Jughead from seeing Lacey's arm, Hermione took Lacey through the back door and the gang went through the front door. Hermione took Lacey to the bathroom bandaging her arm while Lacey avoided eye contact and burst out crying hysterically again.

"Lacey look at me."  Hermione says gently before she continues, "Do you want to tell me what happened or do you want the whole gang to find out and face FP & Jughead knowing that you're keeping another secret from them. So you can either tell me what happened or I take you downstairs and--" Hermione gets cut off by Lacey saying through tears, "I'll tell you what happened." Then she tells Hermione everything that she & Lilah told the gang.

"So people from your and Lilah's past are back and they're working with Penny and the Ghoulies besides FP's ex wife & Jellybean coming back to town." Hermione says as Lacey nods and cried harder. Hermione rubbed her back gently whispering, "You & Lilah are spending some time with me & Fred, so we can talk some more. You're not staying at Falice's house right now, you & Lilah need to spend time away from FP Jughead Alice & Betty, so you're staying with me & Fred for a while. Ok?" Hermione says as Lacey nods still crying her eyes out.

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