Ch. 13

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Jughead opens the bag & pulled out everything that was in there laying it on the bed. "Hey what's this?" Toni asked picking up the handmade green and silver notebook that says Slytherin with a green and silver snake under the word that Theo gave to Lacey in class so she (Lacey) could read it. Joaquin, Fangs, Sweet Pea, and Jughead look at Toni who opened it and looked at the front page. "What is it?" Fangs asked sitting beside her who turned to the other page. "Jones?" Toni asked looking at him.

"I don't know, I've never seen that before." Jughead says as FP walked back in with Lilah behind him. Lilah's eyes widen and she snatched the book away from saying. "WHERE DID YOU GET THIS!!!!!!!!" Lilah screams. The Serpents including FP look at her and he asks. "Why are you yelling Lilah? And what is that?" Lilah mumbles. "I'm sorry for yelling, but you cannot see this, I'm sorry." Lilah walked out of the room with the book in her hand closing the door behind her.

"Well things just got more interesting." Sweet Pea said. " You think?" Jughead says sarcastically rolling his eyes looking at FP who says. "Ok, we're gonna have to do everything that we can, to find out what's happening. And you 3 should've told me sooner." He says looking at Sweet Pea Fangs and Joaquin who slide into the floor again. "Lacey told us not to, and we respected that, because she said that she was going to tell you on her own." Fangs said as FP and Jughead look at him with a look that says they don't believe him.

"Ok so maybe not, but you know now?" Joaquin said as FP walked out of the room leaving Toni, Fangs, Sweet Pea and Joaquin in the room with Jughead who says, "Alright here's the plan, we're gonna need Charles's help." FP walked back to his room laying on the bed beside Lacey pulling her closer to him wrapping his arm around her stomach laying on his side kissing her gently and softly closing his eyes falling asleep.

The next morning, Lacey woke up seeing FP still asleep with his arm around her stomach, she looks at him and smiles sadly getting out of his grip not waking him up and looked for her bag hanging on the closet door and it's not there. 'Ok Lace don't freak out, maybe you put it somewhere else last night and forgot about it.' Lacey tells herself in her head. "It's not here!!" Lacey yells at herself quietly before she took a deep breath sighing going to Lilah's room and opening the door seeing Lilah sitting on the bed with the green and silver notebook on her lap looking through it.

"Lil?" Lacey says closing the door behind her sitting on the bed beside her. Lilah keeps looking at the book not looking up and says. "Where, you ever going to tell me that you've been talking to Wormtail Yaxley Blaise Draco & Theo again?" "Truthfully no, but now that you know. I need your help with something." Lacey says as Lilah nods saying, "I know." "Will you help me plz?" Lacey asked looking at Lilah who's still looking at the notebook. "Y'know I will bestie. I just want you to stop lying to FP & Jughead besides the gang, that's all I ask. And I know that Voldemort and death eaters are after the Southside Serpents, but you have to stop lying to Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin they're the ones trying to help you."

"I know, are you going to tell them besides Jughead that you know everything too?" "Yeah let's go." They get off the bed going to Bughead's room with Lilah still carrying the book in her hand.

In Bughead's room, Jughead Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin & Toni were still sitting on the floor and bed when they see Lacey and Lilah walk into the room. Jughead grabs Lacey's hand and pulled her into his lap wrapping his arms around her waist tightly not letting her go and says. "Lilah close the door and lock it." Lilah closes it and sat beside Toni. "Ok so do you guys have anything to tell us?" "Yeah, we have a bunch of things to tell you." Lilah says looking at them especially Sweet Pea who smirks folding his arms over his chest.

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