Ch. 31

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"Are you sure you want to do that Lace?" Lilah asked nervously making the gang except for Lacey look at her, "Yeah, I'm sure." Lacey says hugging Jughead tighter. "Ok then, I'm coming too." Lilah says as Betty smiles and says, "Ok, let's go." Bughead Lacey & Lilah walk to Falice's house ignoring the shocked & happy look on Falice's face going upstairs closing the door locking it.

Back at La Bonne Nuit/ speakeasy
"Hey guys, what do you think Lilah meant, when she said and I quote, "Are you sure you want to do that Lace?" Sweet Pea asked. "I don't know, but before you guys got here & while Reggie Kevin & Archie went to go get the ice pack and some drinks, Lacey was fixing to tell me Cheryl & Veronica something but she stopped when you Lilah & Bughead walked in." Toni says. "Well you guys can text her later ok." Archie says. "Yeah we know and we will." Veronica says as she turns the radio on and asked. "Now, do you guys want to stay here for a little bit longer?" Choni, Sweet Pea, Archie, Kevin, and Reggie look at each other and nod.

Back at Falice's House
FP & Alice look at each other before FP says, "Did I just see Lacey & Lilah go upstairs with Betty & Jughead?" Alice looks at him and says, "Yeah because I saw them too." "Do you think they're going to stay here tonight or not?" FP asks. "Maybe, but don't bother them or--" Alice couldn't finish her sentence because FP jogged upstairs to Bughead's room knocking on it.

Bughead's room
Bughead Lacey & Lilah were sitting on the bed talking when they heard a knock on the door, Lacey gets under the bed staying there because she doesn't know if it was FP or not. Jughead sighs and gets up unlocking the door opening it. "Yeah?" Lacey could see FP standing there from under the bed, she whimpered quietly because she misses him. FP could see Lacey hiding under the bed from the corner of his eye and he smiles sadly and says. "Alice & I want to know if Lacey & Lilah are spending the night tonight?" "What makes you think Lacey's here? And yeah we are." Lilah says.

"I can see Lacey hiding under the bed!! Hi ba- Lacey." FP says walking in the room closing the door grabbing Lacey's leg and tugging on her pant leg making her get out from under the bed. Lacey looks at him and mumbles, "Hi." She gets back on the bed with Jughead avoiding eye contact with them, FP watches her every move sitting beside Lilah who's on her phone texting Blaise, he notices Lacey's red cheek and asked. "What happened?" "I was hanging out with Blaise and got hit by a door." Lilah looked up from her phone and said, "Is that the truth or did you get kidnapped and threatened? I'm only asking because Blaise just texted me and told me something interesting. Do you want to read it, because I'm gonna let them read it." Lilah says pointing to Bughead and FP.

"Let us read what?" Betty asked. Lilah shows them the text from Blaise. ⬇️

Betty sat there stunned, Lilah showed FP & Jughead while Lacey could feel tears drop down her face

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Betty sat there stunned, Lilah showed FP & Jughead while Lacey could feel tears drop down her face. FP immediately pulled her into a hug letting her cry into his chest rubbing her back gently. "I know we broke up, but I'm gonna keep you safe from my crazy ex wife I promise." FP whispers holding her tightly making Lacey look at him, he could see the sadness in her eyes which makes FP want to cry. "I-is there anything else that you guys want to tell us Lilah?" Jughead asks looking at Lacey & FP who's holding Lacey close to him as he can get her. "I'm related to the guy who you wanted to smack." Lacey pulled away from FP and says, "Are you seriously going to tell them that?" Lacey asked. "Yeah and I'm also going to tell them some other stuff too, so FP get your girl before she tries to stop me from telling you & Bughead especially Bughead some other stuff."

"Ok." FP says grabbing Lacey's waist pulling her against him keeping his hands on her waist. "I'm not his girl anymore." Lacey mumbles trying not to cry, FP growled lowly at that and slowly moved his hand from her waist to her ass squeezing it lightly before smacking it hard making her yelp and bite her lip as FP kept his hands on her ass. "Did you just say that you were related to Theo?" Jughead asks. "Yeah." Lilah says as she sits between Bughead, while Betty plays with her hair... Lilah continues. "Me and Theo are siblings, same dad different moms & Juggie, I'm sorry that he was mean to you when you 1st met him." "It's fine, I was ignoring him, hey Lace you ok?" Jughead looks back at Lacey & FP who's sitting on a chair now and she nods.

Jughead nods and turned back around looking at Lilah who had her head on Betty's lap now. "Anything else you want to tell us?" Betty asked still playing with Lilah's hair. "Lacey & I know a secret about Blaise Draco & Theo, that you guys can't tell anybody else." "Lilah!!!" Lacey says but stops when FP put his hand over her mouth and unbuckled his belt pulling his pants down pulling out his long thick friend rubbing it up and down, pulling Lacey's pants to the side with her underwear and thrusted hard into her FP bit his lip and kept his hand over her mouth as he shagged her hard and senseless, Lacey felt like screaming, but she doesn't because she's missed being shagged hard and senseless by Classic FP Jones.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now