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Lacey was with Lilah Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin besides the rest of the gang at the Whyte Wyrm hanging out when her phone went off, she checked it getting up and walking outside.

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Lacey walks back into the Whyte Wyrm grabbing Lilah's hand away from Sweet Pea dragging her back outside with the gang including Cheryl looking at them with raised eyebrows

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Lacey walks back into the Whyte Wyrm grabbing Lilah's hand away from Sweet Pea dragging her back outside with the gang including Cheryl looking at them with raised eyebrows. "Do we need or want to follow them?" Kevin asked before Betty said. "No, they'll tell us if they need to... at least Lilah will." "Ok, then we need more drinks." Reggie & Archie said.

When Lacey & Lilah got outside, Lilah looked at Lacey and said, "What's up?" "Read these texts from Donna & Brett." Lilah grabbed her phone and started reading it before she said. "So, they're going to kidnap us too?? Fantastic, we need to go get Blaise Draco & Theo besides Damon Stefan Elena Bonnie & Caroline." "Then let's go now." Lacey said as they walked away from the Whyte Wyrm.

"Whoa, hey what's going on guys?" Damon asked as they walked in and slammed the door behind them locking it. "Zabini, Malfoy & Nott, kitchen now." Lacey said calmly as Lilah tried not to cry, Blaise Draco & Theo looked at each other before they got up and walked to the kitchen. Lilah shut the door and Lacey pulled out her phone and showed them the texts from Donna & Brett, after they read it Draco asked. "So what do we do now?" "We have no idea, but we're not telling the serpents or the rest of the gang not even FP." Lacey said turning her phone off, putting it back in her pocket. "We'll deal with it whenever my mom does come to kidnap me and you guys." Draco replied looking at Blaise & Theo who look back at him before Blaise yelled. "Bonnie Caroline Elena Stefan Damon get in here now." They walked into the kitchen and Stefan asked, "What's up?" "We need your help with something." Lilah and Draco said.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now