Ch. 129

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Stonewall Prep
"I found out some secrets about Betty & Jughead." Donna says as Brett Joan and Jonathan walked into her dorm. "What kind of secrets?" Brett asked as he sat down beside her on the bed. "Well for starters, they broke up for good just like Archie and Veronica, the other thing is Betty's mom Alice isn't really her mom, Alice is Betty's aunt and what I'm fixing to tell you about Jughead shocked me at 1st, but now it's actually kinda funny. But Forsythe is in a relationship with 3 girls and 1 of them is Veronica Lodge."

Brett Joan and Jonathan look at Donna shocked before Brett starts laughing and he said, "Forsythe is in a relationship with 3 girls and 1 of them is Veronica?" "Yeah, that's what I just said!! Don't you listen to me?!?!?" "Wow." Joan and Jonathan said as Donna continues saying, "Wait, there's more." "What else could there possibly be?!?" Brett asked before Donna says, "1 of the other 2 girls is pregnant with Jughead's baby." "WHAT?!?!" Brett Joan and Jonathan exclaimed looking at each other eyes wide. "Hey, that's what Nick St Clair said, when he went to Riverdale after we told him the plan, he said that he heard a rumor that 1 of the other girls Jughead's dating is pregnant." "Well it's time to text Lacey again and tell her about we already know about those secrets." "Ok."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now