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The Southside Serpents besides the rest of the gang, stepped out from hiding behind a wall and walked to the vampires except for Elena Bonnie and Tyler Lockwood, Damon Stefan Elena Bonnie & Caroline stared at them before Jughead asked. "What the hell are you?!" "We're all vampires except for Elena Bonnie Hayley & Tyler." Stefan said looking at the gang before motioning to Damon Caroline Klaus aka Carl Elijah and Rebekah.

"What are Hayley & Tyler?" Reggie asked. "They're werewolves." Caroline said looking at him before looking at Tyler with no expression and he said, "I still love you Care." "Go, tell someone who cares, because I don't anymore." Caroline sneered before Betty asked them including Draco Theo & Blaise. "Where's Lacey & Lilah?" The 3 Slytherin snakes cursed under their breath before Blaise sighs and said. "Donna & Brett kidnapped them so Penny Gladys The Ghoulies Charles Chic & tall boy could get revenge on them especially Lilah." The Serpents growled lowly before Reggie Betty Veronica Archie and Kevin asked. "Where did Brett and Donna take them?" "They took them back to my house." Klaus aka Carl said smirking at them. Jughead Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin & Toni look at each other before Jughead punched him in the face over and over until there's blood all over Klaus aka Carl's face and Jughead's hands.

"Take us to them now!" Betty demanded, Klaus aka Carl laughs and said, "I can't, because they're probably beaten up so bad that you'll probably never recognize them." Fangs & Sweet Pea helped Jughead beat up Klaus aka Carl some more, Archie grabbed Klaus by his throat and growled, "Take us to Lacey and Lilah now or so help me we'll kill you right here, right now." Damon Stefan Elena Bonnie Caroline Draco Theo & Blaise looked shocked, stunned and they started smirking before Klaus aka Carl mumbles holding his bleeding face. "My house is this way."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now