Ch. 8

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FP and Lacey look at each other and smirk before FP crashes their lips together again and says. "Round 2?" Lacey keeps smirking and nods.

When Monday rolled around again, the class that Lacey has with Blaise Draco & Theo, the teacher moved the seats around in a circle and told them that they could sit anywhere they wanted. Blaise sat beside her with Draco & Theo beside him and he says. "So we figured we'd come sit with you, so we could talk about what Wormtail & Yaxley said the other day at Pop's." Lacey looks at him and says. "Ok, fine. Tell me everything that you 3 know and why you're here and why Wormtail & Yaxley are also here."

"Ok, but remember this has to be kept a secret, no one can know especially your new friends that you hangout with 24/7 at Pop's or everywhere else got it." Draco said looking at her then Theo gets out a handmade dark emerald green & silver notebook with a snake 🐍 on it that says Slytherin and passes it to Lacey and mumbles. "Take it home with you and read it, but don't let it out of your sight or else you'll be in danger too." Lacey looks at him and nods putting it in her bag.

After school, Lacey went straight to Sweet-Water River, sitting near a tree and got the notebook that Theo gave her in class out and opened it to the first page. Lacey reads it for a few minutes until her eyes widen, she slams it shut putting it back in her bag. Lacey sat there stunned and started rocking back and forth trying to calm down, she sat there for what felt like hours but it's only been a few minutes then she gets up & walked slowly to the Whyte Wyrm where the gang said that they were going to be at.

Whyte Wyrm
Lacey opened the door and went straight to the bar where Hog-Eye was and said. "Hey Hog-Eye, get me some tequila." "Ok. Hey are you ok?" Hog-Eye asked pouring her drink and handing it to her. "Yeah I'm fine, I promise. Have you seen FP Jughead, or the rest of the gang?" "No I haven't, but if you need to talk & you don't want to talk to FP, Jughead or etc. You can always talk to me." Hog-Eye said smiling. Lacey smiles back and said. "Thanks Hog-Eye you're a great friend." Hog-Eye keeps smiling and walked to the other end of the bar.

Lacey sat there looking all over the Wyrm when she spotted Wormtail and Yaxley, her eyes widen and she whisper yells. "Hog-Eye!!" He walked back to her and says. "Yeah?" She looks at him and says. "D-do you see those 2 guys over there by the pool table?" "Yeah, they've been coming in here for about 3 days now." Hog-Eye said. "You're kidding?" Lacey said still looking at him. "No I'm not, why do you know them?" "If I lied, would you tell FP on me?"

"He doesn't have to, because I'm right here." FP said sitting beside her with the Serpents beside him. "So are you going to tell us or not?" Jughead asks. Lacey says. "Yeah I know them." Avoiding eye contact tapping the table. FP and Hog-Eye look at each other before FP wraps his arms around her waist tightly kissing her neck gently and whispers. "You want to go upstairs to my office so we can talk privately?" Lacey nods and says. "Might as well, get the whole gang. I guess I have to tell you guys something I've been keeping a secret for a long time, and now it's coming back to haunt me."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now