Ch. 168

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The gang go back inside and FP grabs Lacey's hand, dragging her to his room closing the door behind them locking it and he said. "We need to talk, but 1st drink this it's good." FP says holding up 2 black cups. He takes a sip of his drink and hands the other one to Lacey, her drink has the potion in it that is going to tell FP the truth about why Lacey won't touch him anymore and vice versa. "Ok, so Betty Archie Kevin Reggie Joaquin Fangs & Sweet Pea want to know if they can spend the night with you for a few days or weeks like me & Lilah?" Lacey said drinking her drink some more until it's gone and she fell back on the bed dropping the cup on the floor and it broke.

FP's eyes widen and he gets off the bed unlocking the door opening it, running in the living room and yells. "Lilah!!! Something happened to Lacey after I gave her the potion." Lilah gets off Sweet Pea's lap and walked to FP's room with him and Lacey was laying there and she whispered yells. "What's happening to me?!" "You're having an allergic reaction to the potion. I'm gonna call Theo." Lilah says pulling out her phone calling Theo Blaise & Draco. "What?! What potion?" Lacey asked trying to sit up, but it hurts her so she lays back down, FP sits beside her holding her hand.

"Ok, we're here." Blaise said as he runs into FP's room with Draco and Theo behind him with the gang that was in the living room behind them. "What happened?" Fangs asked as Blaise gave Lacey a drink to make the allergic reaction go away. "The potion gave Lacey an allergic reaction and now we're trying to get rid of it." Draco explained. "What potion?" Joaquin asked. "The potion I gave you or Sweet Pea earlier today at school and said to tell FP that that was the last one for a while." Theo said as Lacey tried to sit up again and she did it without hurting and she said. "It worked, I stopped hurting." Draco Theo & Blaise sighed in relieve. "Good, now tell us about the potion or else." Reggie said crossing his arms with the Serpents Betty and Archie beside him, Lacey & Lilah look at each other before they look at FP & the 3 Slytherin snakes Theo sighs getting out a bag and Draco opened it pulling out a book as Blaise grabbed it opening it and said. "Read it."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now