Ch. 70

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"W-what?" Theo said walking back into the living room with his phone, Penny and her minions look at him before she says. "Draco Blaise you guys tell him I'm not saying it again." "No I heard you what you said the 1st time, are- are you sure that Megan & Chloe are really going to do that to Lacey's boyfriend?" "Yeah, they are, they're going to the police station after school is what tall boy told me a few minutes ago on the phone." Blaise Draco & Theo look at each other before Theo gets up and walks out of the house going to find the girls but mostly Lilah.

Lacey Lilah and the Serpents were hanging out at the Whyte Wyrm talking and playing pool when the door opened, Theo walked up to Lilah and grabbed her hand leading them outside not knowing that Lacey was watching their every move besides the rest of the gang. "What was that?" Kevin asked as he Reggie & Joaquin stood beside Fangs and Sweet Pea. "I don't know guys." Sweet Pea said. A few minutes later, Lilah walked back into the Whyte Wyrm while Theo went back to the blue house with a black fence and red roses, when Lilah walked back to the gang seeing Falice Bughead Varchie and Choni sitting with them, Lilah locked eyes with FP and she gulps making him furrow his brow, she grabbed Sweet Pea's hand dragging them down the stairs to where Wormtail Yaxley Hog-Eye Dave Ashton Derek & Mustang besides the Slytherin snakes were at.

Downstairs in the basement of the Whyte Wyrm, Lilah & Sweet Pea walk in shutting the door behind them locking it before Lilah says. "Everybody get up and go stand in that corner and stay there until me or Sweet Pea tell you to move!!! Everybody except for Wormtail Yaxley Hog-Eye Flint Crabbe & Goyle (looks at them and says). ,"You guys are staying, because we need to have a little chat and we can't let Lacey find out about this... at least not yet." "Ok, what's going on?" Hog-Eye asked looking at her before he sits back on the stairs with Wormtail & Yaxley beside him. "Theo found out something about Megan & Chloe and that... basically it's like this, Draco Blaise & Theo found out from Penny and the Ghoulies who found out from tall boy who told Penny that Voldemort and his minions are going to send Megan & Chloe to the police station after school one day in the next few days or weeks... and that they're going to see if FP will willingly shag them and then if he doesn't, then they're going to get chloroform and make FP shag them and then they're going to record it and send it to Lacey anonymously and when she finds out... this was Theo's words."

"I think Voldemort and death eaters want to hurt you and Lacey especially Lacey so much that they'll do anything to hurt you two whether it breaks you or not." And I'm thinking that Theo might be right... because... (Looks at Wormtail Yaxley Flint Crabbe & Goyle), "Well... You guys know what I'm talking about... since it happened in 3rd year at Hogwarts in Slytherin..." "Well of course we do." Yaxley said as he & Wormtail look at each other and roll their eyes before Wormtail says. "You and Lacey deserved better in 3rd year at Hogwarts in Slytherin... and you guys still do..." "No, actually it's FP Jughead and the Serpents THAT deserve better than me & Lacey." Lilah says sighing rubbing her face from all the stress and tension. Sweet Pea hugs Lilah tightly making a note in his head to tell Fangs & Joaquin what Lilah just said.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now