Ch. 63

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The past few days have been very interesting because the Serpents, Lacey & Lilah haven't heard from or seen Flint Crabbe Goyle Voldemort and Penny. "I think they're planning something." Lacey told Fangs when he asked her if she thought it was weird that things have been very quiet and somewhat normal. "You really think so?" Joaquin asked as he, Reggie & Kevin sat beside them at their lunch table. "I'm positive, don't believe me then ask Lilah." "No, we believe you." Sweet Pea said as he Lilah Choni Varchie & Betty sit down with them and they start talking.

"Wait so let's forget about that for now, let's talk about Juggie and his new school Stonewall Prep." Lilah says looking at Betty who says. "Well, he's met some new people there, and their names are Brett Donna Joan Jonathan & he has this teacher called Mr. Chipping who by the way jumped out of a window when Jughead confronted him or asked him a question about one of the Baxter Brothers books & Mr. Chipping said that he couldn't help Jug and that's when he jumped out of the window. Remember that girls?" Betty asked looking at them. "Yeah we remember." Lilah says looking around sensing that somebody's watching her & Lacey's every move.

Lilah nudged Choni asking but whispering, "Do you guys feel like something or someone is watching your every move?" "No why?" Choni answers back whispering. "Cause it feels like I'm being watched." Lilah says whispering back and looking around her eyes widening when she saw Lacey staring at Blaise Draco and Theo's lunch table seeing them sitting there with Megan & Chloe Black. Lacey caught Lilah's eye and she nudged Fangs telling him that she was leaving, he got up and followed her with their lunch trays throwing them away before they walked back into school, Lacey walked them into the supply closet aka one of her and Lilah's hiding spots. "What happened out there Lace?" Fangs asked leaning against the wall looking at her who looked like she was about to cry looking at the floor sighing before she says, "I'll tell you later tonight at the Whyte Wyrm when Sweet Pea & Joaquin are there too." "Ok." Fangs said hugging her tightly for a few minutes before he lets go and they go to the last class of the day.

That night at the Whyte Wyrm,
Lacey Lilah Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin Toni & Cheryl all sat at their usual table talking about random stuff when Fangs got out his phone and texted Lacey ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

That night at the Whyte Wyrm,Lacey Lilah Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin Toni & Cheryl all sat at their usual table talking about random stuff when Fangs got out his phone and texted Lacey ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Fangs put his phone back up seeing Bughead Varchie Kevin & Reggie sitting with them besides Falice. "So Juggie." Lilah says playing with her hair before she continues, "How's Stonewall Prep?" Bughead look at each other before Jughead sighs and says, "It's... It's interesting and well y'know I miss being at Riverdale high with you and all my other friends!!!" Lilah gets up and sits on Betty's lap giving him a hug and whispers, "Then come back plz, me and Lacey need you." Jughead hugs her back tightly and whispers. "What's up?"

"So here's what we're going to do." Voldemort tells his death eaters, Penny and the Ghoulies. The door slammed open with Penelope Hal Kurtz & Chic walking in with a familiar guy who Penny and the Ghoulies know very well... "Why are you here tall boy?" Penny asked smirking looking at him. "I'm here because I heard you guys needed help and-- I'm here to help you." Tall boy said looking at Penny and smirked back. "Well I thought you were dead." Penny said looking at him who smirks at her and Voldemort interrupted their conversation saying, "If you guys are done!!!! That phone call I made the other day was to mine and death eaters old friends there names are Megan and Chloe Black they're Bellatrix & Narcissa's nieces and they're going to help us besides Flint Crabbe Goyle Blaise Draco & Theo with getting Lacey & Lilah to have a break &melt down and come back to us willingly and if that still doesn't work, then we ( me & death eaters) go in forcefully."

"Alright so what's the plan?" Penny asked as tall boy sat beside her in the rocking chair.

The next day at school, Lacey was at her locker getting her books out for 3rd & 4th period when Blaise walked up to her locker with Theo and they whisper so no one could hear them. "Hey Lacey, you don't have to believe us, but we're just warning you that Megan & Chloe are only in Riverdale because Voldemort called them and they're going along with Voldemort and Penny's plan." Blaise said as Theo looked around to see if anyone was listening to their conversation noticing that no one was listening to them and he turned back to back to them. Lacey ignored him and says without looking at them closing her locker. "I don't care anymore guys I really don't, me and Lilah will deal with it later, but right now I just want to get this stupid day over with." "Ok, we're just warning you, that's all we're doing." Theo said as Lacey huffs & walks away from them going to 3rd period.

After school, Lacey went straight to Falice's house going to her and FP's room closing the door locking it. Lacey slid down the wall burying her face into her hands trying not to cry, she misses Jughead being at Riverdale high and living at Falice's house and it doesn't help that she barely sees FP that much anymore, since he decided to be Riverdale's new sheriff, he's always out of the house, realizing that if FP's always out of the house now, Megan & Chloe could bump or run into him and everything that they did in 3rd year at Hogwarts is gonna happen again and they could do it to FP too besides any other parent in Riverdale, Lacey starts to rock back and forth feeling tears in her eyes knowing that she's gonna lose FP BECAUSE of Megan & Chloe. Lacey gets up off the floor and starts smashing things on the floor, she grabs her razor and runs it against her arms & legs hard & deep multiple times before she gets dizzy and falls on the floor making a loud thump not hearing footsteps running into the room busting the door down.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now