Ch 174

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Toni & Veronica look at each other and smirk before they said, "Ok." Betty eyes them up and down before she said. "So, back to my plan, here's how we're going to bust Charles, Chic & their new friend Carl Aguilar." "So, that's Carl's last name?" Kevin asked as Betty nods and said. "Yeah, we found that out a few days ago remember?" "Oh yeah." The gang said laughing before FP asked. "Do you guys want to go get some food from Pop's?" "Sure." The gang replied as they all got up and left the house. "Then let's go."

Thistle House, red room.
Jughead has Cheryl laying on the bed tied up with a gag in her mouth as he spanked her hard. "Are you gonna be a good girl now?" Jughead chuckles before he smacked her ass harder making her yelp & whine making the strings pull. "Stop fighting baby, it's gonna be a whole lot worse for you if you keep pulling on the strings." Cheryl whimpers as Jughead gets on the bed laying beside her and says. "Since you're not gonna talk to me, you're going to lay there and be a good girl until daddy/sir feels like untieing you." Cheryl whimpers again as they layed there on the bed, with Jughead turning on the TV.

"So, how are we going to confront Charles?" FP asked. "We get more evidence & show it to him when we think we have enough to confront him with it." Kevin said before Archie asked. "Why don't we ask Jughead to help us with this stuff again?!?" The gang all look at each other before they look at the ceiling, wall, floor & booth (that they're sitting in) before Betty says biting her lip. "He has a bunch of crap to deal with right now... & do you really think Cheryl's going to let him leave her side??? No? Good then we're on the same page."

FP smirks before he asked. "Are you guys jealous of Cheryl?" "NO we're not!!! We just want our friend back without getting blamed or accused by Cheryl if we keep Jughead longer than she wants us to talk & hangout with him." Kevin and the Serpents besides Josie Reggie & Barchie said looking at him.

"Y'know guys, that's why we need your help, because if we can give Cheryl a taste of her own medicine, then maybe she'll stop hogging Jughead all to herself and then you & Lacey can have your friend back and we'll (points to her & Toni).finally get Jughead's attention again." Veronica said as the door to Pop's opened with the Slytherin snakes. "Hey guys what's up?" Blaise asked as he Theo & Draco sat at the table beside them. "Wanna help us with a plan?" The Serpents asked as Veronica Toni Betty Archie Reggie Kevin Josie Lacey Lilah & FP look at each other smirking before the Slytherin snakes look at each other and smirk before Theo said. "Sure." "What kind of plan?" Draco asked them. "We want to give 1 of our friends a taste of her own medicine & then she'll see that we want her boyfriend back as our friend." Sweet Pea said before Blaise smirks and said. "Yeah sure, we'll help you."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now