Ch. 39

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The gang and Charles look at each other before Charles asks. "What other job do you have in Riverdale?" "She's in charge of the drug-dealing of Jingle Jangle & Fizzle Rocks." JB said glaring at her mother. "Are you serious?!" Gladys yelled at JB, Charles put her hands behind her back handcuffing her sitting beside her as FP said. "Finish telling the story JB." FP says still glaring at Gladys. "Ok so the drug-dealing/ Penny and the Ghoulies job/ kidnapping Lacey and threatening her/--" Lilah cut her off by asking Gladys, "Are you sure it wasn't just Penny and the Ghoulies? Was there anybody else with you like... Oh I don't know them!" Lilah gets a picture out of her wallet showing it to Gladys.

"They look familiar but I don't know. Why?!" Gladys asked. "Because that's Voldemort and his minions aka death eaters and beside them are Wormtail, Yaxley, Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy and... last but not least my brother Theo Nott." Alice walked out of the kitchen as Sweet Pea's eyes widen and he says, "You- you're related to the guy who Jones wanted to smack the first time he met them." "Unfortunately/sadly yes... He's my half brother same dad different moms." Lilah says avoiding eye contact with Sweet Pea.

The gang Alice & Charles look at each other stunned before Fangs asked. "Why didn't you tell us that?" "It didn't seem important at that time, besides I told Bughead." "Yeah she did tell us that." Jughead says glaring at Gladys who says sarcastically. "Well isn't that cute are you done interrogating me so I can leave." "You're not going anywhere." Charles said. "Guys, Lilah? Are you done asking her questions because she's going to jail for a long time."

"Yeah just 1 more thing, what is Penny and Voldemort's next plan or move? And is there anybody else working for them besides what you told us." Lilah asked. "Ugh fine, I don't know what they're next move is, but Penelope Blossom, Kurtz, Hal Cooper, & Chic are working with them is what Malachi told me." Lilah gasped as the Serpents eyes widened and FP growled before Jughead got up and said. "Charles instead of taking her to jail, she can have a choice. She can either help us and Lilah stop Penny and Voldemort from doing something bad, or she can go to jail. Can you make that happen?" "Yeah if she'll cooperate." Charles said looking at Gladys who says. "I'll cooperate with you and I just got a text from Penny asking me if I've seen Wormtail and Yaxley, what do I tell her?" "Tell her no you haven't seen them." Jughead says looking at the Southside Serpents.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now