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"So tell me what's going on for the past few days or I'm going to punish you & make sure you can't walk for a few days." Jughead says moving hair out of her face and buried his face into her neck nuzzling it for a few seconds before Cheryl said. "What do you mean?" Jughead smirks and said, "I mean (he leans closer to her and whispers). why are you being so mean to the gang, besides snapping at the river vixens?" Cheryl whimpers as Jughead attacks her lips before he growled lowly. "Tell me why you're being so mean to the gang & snapping at the river vixens at cheer practice or else your getting punished." "Ok, I'll tell you." Cheryl says whimpering as Jughead enters her holding her waist tightly as he shags her.

Back at FP's house
Lacey went to sleep early followed by the rest of the gang except for Betty FP Kevin Reggie & Archie. "So, what are we supposed to do now?" FP asked rubbing his face handing Betty her phone back. "Wait until we have more evidence." Betty said looking at her phone.

Back at Thistle House, Toni & Veronica layed on their bed before Toni grabbed her pillow and shoved it into her face trying so hard not to cry, Veronica looks at her and asked. "What's up?" "Why does Cheryl always have to be the center of attention?" Toni asked moving the pillow from her face. "I don't know, but I guess we have to let her since she's about to pop and we don't want to stress her or Jughead out, even though Cheryl's not his only girl, we're his girls too, but I guess he forgot about that." Veronica says rolling her eyes looking back at her phone while Toni whines and says. "What do we have to do to get Jughead's attention again?!?!?"

"Why don't we do what Lacey did." Veronica suggested. "What'd Lacey do?" Toni asked. "Ever since me Archie and Bughead broke up, and ever since Jughead started dating Cheryl besides us, Lacey never gets to hangout with Jughead anymore, she decided to hangout with Betty & Archie especially Betty since she's not allowed to hangout with Juggie anymore because of Cheryl & I think that's what Kevin Reggie Joaquin Fangs Sweet Pea & Lilah besides the rest of the gang are doing too." "Well, let's text our old friends and see if they have a plan on how to make Jughead give us more attention and maybe Lacey can have her best friend back without getting blamed or accused by Cheryl if bad things start to happen again." Toni says smirking as Veronica smirked back saying, "Ok."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now