Ch. 9

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As soon as Betty, Varchie, Cheryl, Kevin, Lilah, & Reggie got to the Whyte Wyrm, they all went up to FP's office and sat on the couch while FP sat in his chair with Lacey beside him. Lacey asked looking at them. "What do you want to know first?" Kevin said. "When Blaise, Draco, & Theo got here 3 weeks ago, why didn't we see you freak out?" "Because I held it in..." Lacey mumbled. "Kevin that is a ridiculous question to ask." FP says as he starts rubbing Lacey's back gently without any of them noticing. "Ok, here's a serious question, tell us how you became friends with them. Y'know Blaise, Draco, & Theo and tell us who the 2 adults are too and are you also friends with the 2 adults?" Joaquin asked. Lacey takes a deep breath and says, "Ok. I'll start from the beginning, when I met Blaise Draco and Theo btw I'm not friends with them anymore just so we're clear."

{Flashback to Hogwarts 1st year Great Hall after the Sorting Hat put Lacey in Slytherin. Lacey walked to the Slytherin table and sat beside another 1st year girl and in front of 5 1st year boys and another boy in 3rd year, one of them started talking to her and it went like this. "Hi my name is Blaise Zabini, and these are my other friends Draco Malfoy, Theo Nott, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and Marcus Flint. What's your name?" "Lacey Carter." Lacey said looking at Blaise smiling. Blaise smiled back and said, "Do you want to be friends with us?" Vincent Crabbe asked. "Sure."}
(End Of Flashback)

"And that's how we met and how I became friends with them, but like I said before and I'll keep saying it. I'M NOT FRIENDS WITH THEM ANYMORE!!!" Lacey says leaning back on FP making him stop rubbing her back. "Anything else?" "Tell us how you met the 2 adults and what are their names?" Archie asked. "I'll get to how I met them later, but right now there names are Wormtail & Yaxley, there also Blaise, Draco, and Theo's friends too." "Are you still friends with Wormtail & Yaxley?" Reggie asked.

"I used to be, but not anymore." Lacey said playing with the hem of her shirt before she continues. "Anything else, or are we done so I can leave." She asked still playing with the hem of her shirt. FP and Jughead looked at each other, Jughead raising his brow before Cheryl asks. "Do you know why they're here? And if you're not friends with them anymore, how'd they know that you lived in Riverdale?" Lacey mumbles avoiding eye contact. "I don't know and truthfully I don't want to know either. Ok so if there's no more questions, I'm going to leave now." Lacey says getting up and walking out of FP's office going down the stairs walking out of the Whyte Wyrm leaving FP and the gang confused before they get up and leave too.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now