Ch. 132

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The next morning, Lacey woke up in FP's bed with him laying beside her and she smiles a little seeing him with his arms wrapped around her waist tightly like it used to be. "Good morning princess." FP says smirking as she looks at him and says, "Good morning." "So, are you going to stay here today, or do you have to leave?" FP asked as they both get up getting dressed. "I'll stay here today, but eventually I'll have to go back to the gang and back to Fangs's trailer." Lacey says as FP wrapped his arms around her waist tightly kissing her lightly before he said. "Ok, so are we back together or not?" "Like I said last night, I'll have to think about it, but until then wanna hook-up?" Lacey asked as FP smirks saying. "I feel like a teenager again, but ok yeah we can." "It'll be our little secret." Lacey says as FP smirks again. "So, let's go find some food." FP says as they both get up walking to the kitchen opening the fridge.

Thistlehouse, Toni and Veronica were in the living room watching TV while Chughead was in Cheryl's bedroom on the bed, Cheryl was getting shagged hard and senseless by Jughead, Cheryl screams and whimpers as she feels herself getting close, she clenches on him making him growl and kiss her neck as they both came. "Good girl." Jughead says as he collapses on the bed with Cheryl on top of him.

Friday night, Lacey spent the whole weekend with FP at his new house without Lilah or the gang finding out about it. "Stop it." Lacey giggles as FP attacks her neck with kisses as they sat on the black leather couch in the living room watching TV. "Mm, no. I don't think I will." FP smirks kissing and sucking on Lacey's neck gently as they both freeze hearing a knock on the door. "Go hide in my room, until I come and get you." FP mumbles kissing her quickly when they both get up quickly, as soon as FP heard his bedroom door shut, he walked to the front door and opened it seeing the Serpents including Lilah, Betty, and Archie standing there besides Veronica, Kevin, Reggie and Josie. "We need to talk about something." Jughead says as he and the gang walked in the door. FP sighs and asked, "Talk about what?" "The Serpents and I finally figured out what the note in the Slytherin snake necklace box meant, Lilah told us everything." Jughead starts as FP looked at him and then he said, "Well, tell me what it means."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now