Ch. 57

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Pembroke Hiram's office
The door opened and closed as Lilah said sitting down with her bag. "Sorry I'm late, I had to go get my bag and the gang wouldn't leave me alone so I could leave." Hiram sits in his chair looking at her curiously before he says, "It's ok Lilah, now tell me what do you need my help with, like why do you want me to do some digging on these people that you texted me about." Lilah sat there for a few minutes taking a few deep breaths before she tells him everything that's been going on for the past two months. "And that's why I need your help, because me and Lacey don't want to lose the gang because of people from our past."

Hiram kept sitting there listening to Lilah tell him what's been going on for the past two months and then he gets 2 wine glasses out and a bottle of wine and pours it into the glass handing her one and said. "Here." Lilah takes it and says, "Thanks but no FP would kill me just like Lacey, if you tried to give her some too." Hiram smirks and says, "You guys drink it at the Whyte Wyrm don't you?"

Lilah nods saying, "Yeah but FP's there watching us." Hiram keeps smirking and says, "One little drink won't hurt, and besides what FP doesn't know won't hurt him." "Y'know what, you're right, hand it over." Hiram laughs sliding the glass closer to Lilah and says, "So, do you have the stuff that you wanted me to look at?" "Yeah, it's in here." Lilah says holding her green & black bag up giving it to him.

"Well here's my laptop, you can type fast right?" Hiram asked. "I think so." Lilah said looking at the bottle and then her cup and then back to the bottle. "Get another drink, I know you want some more, besides if I had to deal with the stuff that you & Lacey have been dealing with for the past 2 months, I would've already started drinking some more." "You're probably right, besides if people from mine and Lacey's past start to tell secrets about what we used to do before we moved to Riverdale, let them because when the whole town of Riverdale finds out about me & Lacey and our past with Voldemort & death eaters, everybody's just gonna leave us, and if they do. Who cares because me and Lacey are just gonna disappear again and they'll never see us again or have to deal with us or our problems ever again." Lilah starts laughing hysterically and then she bursts out crying holding her face in her hands, Hiram looks at her for a few minutes before he gets his phone out calling Parentdale except for Falice.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now