Ch. 160

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The gang sigh before Betty says, "Something's going on at the house next door beside FP, and we think it could be Brett Joan Jonathan & Donna behind it." Jughead furrowed his brow before he said. "What do you mean?" "Look boy, I wasn't going to tell you, because you have enough stuff to deal with right now... but since you're here, you're going to find out eventually so we might as well tell you." "Tell me what?" Jughead asked as Choni and Veronica sit on the couch with Jughead beside them.

"We're helping FP with an investigation that's all you need to know." Charles said as he walked back into the kitchen going back to the window looking out it again before he smirked pulling out his phone texting Chic. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Charles smirked before putting his phone back in his pocket after exiting out of his messages walking back into the living room and says, "Hey, I think I know who lives next door

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Charles smirked before putting his phone back in his pocket after exiting out of his messages walking back into the living room and says, "Hey, I think I know who lives next door... do you want me to go check it out if I'm right about who lives there?" He asked FP who said, "If you want, but do you want any of us to go with you except for Jughead & his girls???" "No, I'm good, I'll be back in 20 minutes." Charles said walking out the front door going next door to Carl's house.

As soon as the door shut, "Charles is up to something." FP said suspiciously. "Yeah, we kinda know that already!!!!" Lilah says looking out the window and her eyes widened as she pulls Lacey to her and whispers in her ear to look through the window at the house that Charles went too.

"Um... hey guys, we're gonna go get something from the Whyte Wyrm... so we'll be back in a few minutes, Sweet Pea come with us!!!" Lilah says as Lacey was already out the door with Lilah & Sweet Pea behind her closing the door after they left. "Ok, so what's up?" Sweet Pea asked as they leave FP's house walking in the direction of the Whyte Wyrm. "I think we might've saw Penny Tall boy & Gladys at the house that Charles went too, but we don't want to tell the gang unless we know for sure." Lilah continued. "Ok, well let's go check it out then." Sweet Pea said as he wrapped his arm around her making her smile and Lacey stares at them smirking before she asked. "So, are you 2 officially dating now?" They look at each other before they look at her and Lilah nods as Sweet Pea smirked before he said, "Yeah, and hey maybe we could do double dates or something like that." "Maybe." Lacey says as they burst out laughing before Lilah says, "Ok, we really have to get to the Whyte Wyrm, because I think I left my bag in there and I don't want anybody to keep it."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now