Ch. 20

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The next day, Lacey & Lilah were walking back from the police station where Charles worked, because he texted them and told them everything FP & Jughead had told him from the green/silver book until now and he wanted their side of the story. While they were in the police station, Lacey & Lilah turned their phones down because Charles told them to, when they walked out of the police station Lacey and Lilah checked their phones, they saw that they had a bunch of missed calls from FP & Sweet Pea. "Look at this." Lacey showed Lilah her phone and then Lilah showed Lacey her phone which had a bunch of calls from Sweet Pea. "We should probably call them back." Lilah says as Lacey started calling FP again who answers and Lacey told him why she wasn't answering her phone and what she & Lilah were doing. "We have to go to the Whyte Wyrm." Lacey said as she gets off the phone with FP.

They start walking as FP drives himself & Sweet Pea back to the Whyte Wyrm, when they get there Lacey & Lilah are already there and they're talking to Kevin, Reggie, Varchie, and Alice besides Hog-Eye. "So where have you guys been?" FP asked sitting beside Lacey putting her on his lap wrapping his arms around her waist tightly. "We were talking to Charles about something." Lilah said sitting beside Kevin burying her face into his side as he chuckles.

Technically Lilah & Lacey weren't lying because they were talking to Charles, but they're not going to tell FP or etc what they talked about. "So, what'd you guys talk about?" Sweet Pea asked, Lacey's eyes widen and she looks at Lilah from the corner of her eye and Lilah smiled and says. "That's none of your business."

Falice, Lacey, Kevin, Reggie & Varchie sat there trying not to laugh as the Serpents except for Sweet Pea walked back into the Whyte Wyrm finding them, and sat beside them. Sweet Pea smirks and says, "You're so sassy Lilah. I like that." Lilah smirks back and blushes a little. "So what are you guys doing tonight?" Alice asked looking at the gang. "Me and Lacey have to hangout with our new friends tonight at their house and we might even spend the night with them too, but who knows." Lilah says as FP & Jughead make eye contact with the Southside Serpents, Sweet Pea pokes FP's side and whispers something in his ear.

FP looks at him and nods, "So girls, maybe you should let us meet your new friends." "Yeah, bring them here to the Whyte Wyrm and we can meet them officially." Jughead adds noticing Lacey won't look him in the eye. "Sorry, they don't like to get out of the house." Lilah continues before Lacey says. "You guys want to meet them? Ok I'll go get them, just stay here and don't move." Lacey gets out of FP's lap and walks out of the Whyte Wyrm going back to the familiar blue house with a black fence and red roses.

Lacey knocks on the door and it opened and she walked in. "Blaise, Draco, Theo, Wormtail, Yaxley? Anybody here?" She calls. Somebody walked out of the kitchen and she saw Penny and the Ghoulies come out of the kitchen. "Hello Lacey." Penny says wickedly, Lacey gulps and says, "What do you want?" "Oh nothing, but I'm going to make a deal with you and if you don't agree to it I'm pretty sure, I'm going to let the Serpents especially FP & Jughead know everything about how you and Lilah know Voldemort and death eaters and how they're going to hurt them or worse kill them. But don't worry Gladys & Jellybean are back and you're gonna want to spend more time with us, and FP will forget all about you." Penny says motioning to the house.

Lacey held back tears. "What's the deal?" Penny laughed and said, "You and/or Lilah have to do everything that we-- (motions to her and the Ghoulies) and Voldemort/ death eaters say, if you don't the Serpents are going to get hurt and it's going to be all your fault!!!" "I'll do it, just don't drag Lilah into this and DON'T YOU DARE HURT THE SERPENTS!!!!!!" Penny smirked and says, "Like I said if you do everything that we say, nothing's going to happen. But if you don't listen then-- you know." Penny laughed again.

"I'll take the deal." Lacey says. "I knew you would because you care about the Southside Serpents and vise versa and I know that if you cross us or Voldemort, something bad is going to happen to them and if it does. It's going to be all your fault." Penny says as she continues. "By the way, Draco Blaise & Theo besides Wormtail and Yaxley aren't here right now, come back later and they'll be back & that's when I'll have the 1st thing for you to do."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now