Ch. 65

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The next morning, Lacey woke up with FP still in bed asleep beside her, Jughead was sitting in the chair asleep too, Lacey looks at them before she looks at the blood transfusion machine and the IV in her hand she sighs sadly knowing that since she hurt herself, she's also hurt them which makes her cry silently. Lacey wiped her eyes as FP & Jughead started to move around, she closed her eyes again pretending to still be asleep when they woke up so she could avoid them especially Jughead who knows about when she cut herself on purpose the 1st time at Fred & Hermione's house...

Jughead wakes up and looked at Lacey sighing sadly before he grabbed her hand and held it gently laying his head on her leg whispering, "Why would you wanna do this again Lace, what happened to the 1st time when I first saw it and I said to talk to me if you thought about doing it again. Did you no!! You didn't tell me anything bestie and that's what hurts the most, I'm not mad... I'm just disappointed because you lied to me." Lacey wanted to open her eyes but knew she couldn't... Jughead sighs and gets up walking out of the room as FP starts to open his eyes, he looks at Lacey who still had her eyes closed, he starts to get out of the bed but stops when Lacey opened her eyes again, grabbed his arm and whispers, "Plz don't leave me FP."

FP lays back on the bed and says making her lay on his chest as he starts to play with her hair. "I'm not going anywhere princess I promise." A few hours later, the door opened with Alice Lilah Betty Varchie Kevin Reggie & Parentdale walking in. "Hey guys." FP says as he looked at the door opening and they walked in. "Hey." "Is Lacey still asleep?" Lilah asked sitting on the bed beside her as the gang sat on the chairs near the wall. "Yeah." FP says before he continues. "She's been on and off asleep." "Well... We need to talk about something later." Hiram says as the door opened again with the Southside Serpents walking in with Hog-Eye who has Wormtail & Yaxley behind him Lilah asked. "What are you doing here?!" She looks at Wormtail & Yaxley. "We knew that if... y'know what we'll tell you later Lilah." Yaxley said as he and Wormtail walked to Lacey's hospital bed and they look at her arms and legs before they sigh and Wormtail looks at Lilah saying, "It's Hogwarts in Slytherin in 3rd year all over again." "That's what I was afraid of." Lilah sighs sadly.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now