Ch. 87

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After school, Lacey went home and crawled into bed taking a nap she had a dream about FP being sexually assaulted again by Megan & Chloe and in the dream, after Lacey found out about it happening again... she started getting back to her old self, going back to the girl who she was, before she met the gang & FP & when she & Lilah first moved to Riverdale. "This is all your fault, Lacey!!!" Jughead JB and Charles screamed at her, circling around her. "I know ok!!! I know it's all my fault, you don't have to tell me something that I already know!!!" Lacey says yelling back at them and JB punched her in the face and snarls. "That's what happens, when daddy's girlfriend let's him get hurt again!!!???" JB keeps punching her over and over until Jughead says, "Stop JB, you'll kill her!!" JB and Charles walked out of the room and Jughead says, "You'll be ok, just put some ice on that." Then he walked out of the room.

Lacey woke up from the dream and checked her eye and started crying hysterically when the door opened and closed with Jughead Sweet Pea Fangs and Lilah walking in, "Hey, Lace, we'r- what happened?" Jughead asked sitting on the bed with her pulling her into his chest letting her cry into his lap as he played with her hair. "Shh, it's ok I promise it's ok." Jughead says as Sweet Pea Fangs & Lilah walk out of the door and close it gently seeing FP in the kitchen with Alice & Charles. "Hey guys." Lilah says as she Fangs and Sweet Pea walk into the kitchen sitting at the table. "Hey, guys, where's Lacey & Jughead?" FP asked. "Upstairs in your room." Lilah says getting 3 drinks out of the fridge handing them to Sweet Pea & Fangs who take it. Alice FP & Charles look at her before FP walked out of the kitchen heading upstairs before Lilah stopped him saying, "You can't go in there right now." FP furrowed his brow, "Why not?" "Because I- me Sweet Pea & Fangs have to talk to you about something." Lilah says while Sweet Pea & Fangs choke on their drink trying not to laugh.

FP walked back in the kitchen and sat beside her and said. "Ok, what do you have to talk to us about?" FP asked. "Me & Sweet Pea want to get married." Lilah says the first thing that came to her mind making Fangs die of laughter, while Sweet Pea sits there shocked before he starts smirking, Falice & Charles look at each other before Alice says. "We didn't know that you 2 were even dating, when did this happen!???" She asked as Lilah grabs Sweet Pea's hand and he said. "We started dating about a few months ago, and we've kept it a secret, we've always been friends so now we want to get married, do you guys have any advice for us?" Fangs kept laughing falling into the floor holding his stomach & wiping his eyes.

"If you two are really serious about this, you have our blessing." FP says before Alice said.  "But wait until you're out of school 1st before you 2 do anything ok?" "Yeah we know, we'll wait until after high school before we get married." Sweet Pea says looking at Fangs who is still on the floor laughing making him & Lilah laugh. "Fangs quit laughing, you'll find your true love eventually." FP says looking at him making Fangs Sweet Pea & Lilah keep laughing hysterically.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now