Ch. 71

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"So where are we going?" Lacey asked as she and Lilah walk out of the Whyte Wyrm seeing Draco Blaise & Theo sitting on the porch of the blue house watching them walk by, Lilah waves at them before she & Lacey walk back into the Northside of Riverdale going to Sweet-Water River sitting on a rock. "So... are you going to tell me what happened or not?" Lacey asked as she and Lilah picked up rocks and threw them into the river. "Nothing happened Lace, I just need to talk to you about something." Lilah answered throwing more rocks into the river, Lacey puts her knees up to her chest and says. "Talk about what?"

Before Lilah could answer Reggie Kevin Varchie and Choni sat beside each of them and Reggie said. "Where'd you guys go because Bughead Falice and the rest of the Serpents (except for Choni) are still at the Whyte Wyrm, so why'd you 2 leave?" "Because we have to talk about something... And y'know what Lace, I'll tell you later tonight when we go back to Falice's house." Lilah says smacking Reggie playfully making him smirk and say "What was that for?" "That's for following us." Lacey says slapping Kevin playfully making him smile and say, "Hey we were just on our way to Pop's, when we saw you 2 sitting here, so we decided to come see if you guys are ok since Sweet Pea & Fangs are nowhere to be seen."

Archie starts laughing making Lacey and Lilah look at each other before they bite their lip and they move Veronica next to Choni, they grab Archie's hands smacking his face on both sides playfully as Lilah said. "We don't always have to be with Sweet Pea & Fangs besides Falice & Bughead just saying." "Ok, ok ugh get off of me I can't breathe." Archie says as Lilah and Veronica sit on him making Choni Lacey Reggie and Kevin chuckle before Cheryl says. "So we're all going to Pop's and then down to the Speakeasy if you 2 want to come with us, Bughead Falice Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin are going to meet us there, Jughead said something about that they had to do something 1st, and then they'll meet us." "Uh... Ok sure." Lacey says as she gets up with the gang getting up with her, they walk to Pop's ordering food before they take it down to the Speakeasy and sit at the counter, not knowing that the Serpents Betty & Alice are in trouble...

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now