Ch 16.

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Lacey walked back slowly getting closer to the Whyte Wyrm seeing the gang outside talking near their motorcycles, Toni noticed her 1st and said. "Lacey, I'm sorry, we're sorry we shouldn't have done that and I'm/we're sorry." Toni said close to tears hugging her tightly. "Why are you sorry? I'm the one who should've told you the truth, I just wasn't ready for the consequences yet..."

Mark, Dave, and Mustang walk to the Whyte Wyrm a few minutes later and they see Lacey Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin and Toni. Mustang says, "Hey kids, have any of you seen FP or Jughead?" "Preferably both?" Dave said as Fangs pointed in the door at the bar stool where Hog-Eye was. "Thanks." Mark said as they walked in the Wyrm sitting beside FP talking for a few minutes until they & Jughead got up and walked to FP's office closing the door behind them locking it. Toni lets Lacey go as Lilah walked back from their new hangout that the gang doesn't need to know about and says. "Hi guys." As she sees FP & Jughead walk outside 10 minutes later, Mustang Mark and Dave walk to the bar as Hog-Eye gave them some drinks. FP picked Lacey up by her waist and put her in his truck so she's sitting beside him tightly as Jughead sits beside her and neither of them say a word until they get home making Lacey nervous and scared.

When they get home, Jughead opened the door and walked in sitting on the couch. FP and Lacey walk in a few minutes later and FP sees Alice walk out of the kitchen saying. "Hey guys." FP watches Lacey's every movement and says calmly, "Leave the house Alice. I don't care where you go, just get out for a few hours, me & Jughead need to talk to Lacey about something."

Alice says, "Ok I'll go see Fred & Mary." Then she goes next door closing the door behind her. Jughead & FP look at each other sighing, FP sits beside Lacey pulling her into his lap wrapping his arms around her waist tightly where's she's facing him. "So you have a choice." FP starts before he continues, "Tell me and Jughead what's going on or don't, but if you don't and we find out what's happening on our own, then you've broken our/ my trust, but it's up to you." FP says as Jughead looks at Lacey for a few seconds.

Lacey feels her eyes water and gets up going upstairs to get the book that Theo gave her in class at school, she found it and walked back downstairs throwing it at FP who caught it and she mumbled. "Read it! Read all of it front and back." Then she walked away wiping her eyes. FP and Jughead look at each other and sigh before FP opened it and starts reading it, Lacey walked out the door after coming back downstairs and left.

Lacey didn't know where she was going, she just let her feet go wherever they wanted. Lacey kept walking until she bumped into Charles who says, "Hey, Lace what's up?" Lacey looks at him and says. "Nothing much, I thought you left Riverdale." "I was, but then a new case came up and I'm still here." Charles says noticing the dry tears on her face before he continues. "So do you want to go hangout for a little bit?" "Sure." Charles smiles as they walked to Pop's sitting in a booth in the back.

Pop walked to their booth taking their order, when Bughead Varchie Kevin Reggie Choni Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin & Lilah walk in, Lacey and Lilah locked eyes before Lilah whispers something to Fangs and walked to Lacey & Charles's booth. "Hey Charles." Lilah says as she sits beside Lacey. "Hi Lilah." Charles says mockingly making her and Lacey laugh. While Lacey freezes up knowing that FP and Jughead are mad at her now, she looks at Charles asking. "Hey Charles, I have a question." "What's up?" He asked. "Can I stay with you for a few days, don't ask me why right now, I just want to know if I can." "Yeah, you guys know you can whenever you want." Charles says as Pop brings their food to them.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now