Ch. 35

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"C'mon let's go downstairs after we get you some new clothes to put on." Hermione says getting up with Lacey and they go to her room looking through the closet. "Why is the whole gang here, I thought Fred just told Archie to bring Veronica and maybe Lilah." "I don't know stay here and I'll think of something to make them leave." Hermione says going downstairs.

Lacey sits on the bed looking at her phone and her arm then she took a picture of it and sent it to Blaise. ⬇️

After Lacey sent the last text putting her phone back in her pocket, Hermione came back in the room with Fred Archie & Veronica

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After Lacey sent the last text putting her phone back in her pocket, Hermione came back in the room with Fred Archie & Veronica. "The coast is clear but Lilah will be coming back later." Veronica says sitting beside Lacey hugging her tight with Archie on the other side of her. "Ok. Where'd the gang go?" Lacey asked Varchie. "They went to Pop's with Lilah & Jughead looked upset when we told them that you were asleep." Fred said. "Well... That's not my fault!! Not everything is mine or Lilah's fault!!!!!" Lacey says bursting into tears again. Hermione pulled her into her lap playing with her hair and Veronica asked, "Why do you keep saying that?"

Voldemort/ Penny's Hiding Spot on the Southside behind the Whyte Wyrm down the road. "So do you know the plan?" Penny asked Penelope Blossom, Kurtz, Hal Cooper, & Chic. "Yeah we do, & where exactly is Gladys Jones & Hiram Lodge?" Penelope asked. "Gladys & Jellybean are on their way to FP's house to get their family to work again, even though Gladys doesn't want to, she's only here because FP is the sheriff now in Riverdale and she thinks that she can get away with dealing fizzle rocks & jingle jangle." Penny said smirking.

"Oh that's mean and evil. What about Hiram Lodge?" Kurtz said. "Hiram's in hiding right now if he's not in jail. That's why Gladys is here taking over the drug trade." Penny says sitting down. "So how is this going to hurt Lacey & Lilah?" 1 death eater asked. "Because if we get the Southside Serpents & the Northsiders, like they get hurt or something like that then--." Voldemort starts laughing evilly. "Ok, we got it." Chic said before Hal says, "I think Lacey & Lilah are the Southside Serpents underbelly." "That's because they are and... Voldemort and death eaters know a secret about them." Penny said taking a drink of water.

"What's the secret?" Kurtz asked. "Snakes don't shed their skin so easily, and we'll do anything to hurt Lacey & Lilah even if it means we have to kill." Voldemort said. As Penny, Penelope, Hal, Kurtz, & Chic sat in the living room laughing evilly not knowing that Lilah walked in trying to find Theo, but froze eavesdropping on their conversation and gulped knowing that something bad is fixing to happen.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now