Ch. 143

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The next day when Jughead got out of the hospital, the gang except for Jughead and his girls went to the Whyte Wyrm and they hungout with Hog-eye. "So did you hear?" Hog-eye asked FP as he and Lacey sat at the bar. "What are you talking about?" FP asked as he sipped on his drink. "Apparently Alice Cooper is friends with Penelope Blossom now and Penelope opened up her brothel again and they already have customers living there with them." FP spat out his drink and says, "Really?!" "Yeah, and one of those girls I think her name is Ava, she's taken a liking to Alice." Hog-eye said as FP sat there trying not to laugh and Lacey sat there shocked also trying not to laugh. "So, do you think Alice is bi?"

"Maybe I don't know though, but if Ava really does like Alice then maybe she (Alice) is." FP explained. "Hey guys, this might sound stupid, but what the crap is a brothel?" Lacey asked FP and Hog-eye making them look at each other and smirk before FP says, "It's like a sex place thing." "There's some other stuff I have to tell you Jones." Hog-eye said filling up their cups again. "Well, I'm listening." FP says pulling Lacey closer to him and she smiles. "Penelope's brothel is at the place that Voldemort and deatheaters had at that house."

"You mean the blue house with the black fence and the red roses?" FP asked as Lacey's eyes widen. "Yeah that's the one, so if you guys ever want to check it out, you can come with me." "I'm not going." Lacey said as she got out her phone seeing a text from Cheryl reading it before replying. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Lacey reads the last text from Cheryl and sighs mumbling, that it felt like she and Jughead weren't friends anymore anyway, and she doesn't want to piss off Cheryl more than she already has

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Lacey reads the last text from Cheryl and sighs mumbling, that it felt like she and Jughead weren't friends anymore anyway, and she doesn't want to piss off Cheryl more than she already has... So she sighs and exits out of that text and types a new message. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Lacey exits out of that text and exits out of her phone and turns the screen off and tells FP bye and that she'll see him later tonight, then she walked to where the gang was and practically dragged Lilah away from them

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Lacey exits out of that text and exits out of her phone and turns the screen off and tells FP bye and that she'll see him later tonight, then she walked to where the gang was and practically dragged Lilah away from them.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now