Ch 176

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Outside at FP's house, Lacey Lilah Sweet Pea & Fangs sat on the chairs before Sweet Pea said. "We have to tell you 2 something, but we don't want you to get mad at us or him when we do tell you this though." Lacey & Lilah look at each other confused before Lilah says, "Ok, tell us." Sweet Pea & Fangs sigh before Fangs said, "This was a few months ago, before Jughead started dating Choni & Veronica and the first time that we met Draco Theo & Blaise besides the rest of your Slytherin friends." "Ok, continue." Lacey says biting her lip looking at the floor trying not to cry because she misses Jughead so much.

"It was one night at the Whyte Wyrm, most of the gang went home except for us 4 Jughead Betty Joaquin Alice FP Toni & Hog-eye, while you 2 were talking to Betty Toni & Joaquin about something, Jughead pulled me and Fangs to the side and asked us if we'd do something for him." Sweet Pea says looking at Lilah who was looking anywhere but them while Lacey bit her hand so hard trying not to cry, but failing because she bursts into tears, Fangs pulled her into a hug. "What'd he ask you?" Lilah asked still looking everywhere but at them. "I asked them to watch you 2 for me, when & if something was going too or fixing too happen and I wasn't there." They heard from behind them, Lacey keeps crying hysterically as Lilah sat there frozen not saying anything before Sweet Pea & Fangs asked Jughead. "What are you doing here????"

"I wore Cheryl out so she'll sleep for a few hours so I could come hangout with you guys." Jughead says moving Lacey out of Fangs's lap and put her into his lap as he sat on the other chair on the porch with Lacey burying her face into his chest, he rubs her back gently before he whispered. "I'm right here bestie, I'm always gonna be here I promise." Lacey keeps crying making Jughead hug her tightly before he said. "So, tell me why most of the gang is here 24/7 and why you 3 besides the gang never call text or ask me to hangout with you guys anymore?" "You want the truth?" Lilah asked still looking everywhere but them. "Yeah, I do & look at me." Jughead says making her look at him and she whimpered before she starts to cry too, Jughead sighs before he gets up and scoots his chair next to hers and pulled her into a hug too before he asked again. "Tell me what's going on now." He growled lowly.

"Sorry last time we checked we're not Cheryl Veronica or Toni so you can't use that voice on us." Sweet Pea said laughing before Fangs starts laughing too as the door opened with FP standing there with the gang, their jaws dropped Kevin Reggie Joaquin & Josie look anywhere but at Jughead while Archie Betty Veronica Toni & FP look at them before Toni & Veronica try to walk back into the house but stops when Jughead caught their eye and he growled lowly asking. "What are you 2 doing here?" "We can't stay at Thistle House forever daddy." Veronica says as she & Toni walk back in the house.  "What are you doing here boy?" FP asked rubbing his face looking at Jughead who says, "Well, I came over to see if my friends wanted to hangout with me, but it looks like you're all so busy..." "We'd love to, but we can't...we gotta go see our new friend Carl who lives next door to FP." Betty said looking at him while he raised his eyebrow and he said. "Why do you-- nevermind just tell me what's going on?" Jughead says again looking at the gang.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now