Ch. 139

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"Why did you kiss me?!" Jughead asked, before Lilah says. "I kissed you becuz I wanted Choni & Veronica to know how it FEELS, when you're I-think-we're-boyfriend-&-girlfriend-it's-complicated boyfriend kisses somebody else, I'm talking about Sweet Pea and Josie." Lilah says looking at Choni and Veronica before Cheryl said. "Ok, but that's not our fault!!! So why the hell did you kiss Jughead?!?!" "I just told you, I kissed him so you'll know how it feels!!!"

"But we're not the ones who told Sweet Pea to kiss Josie!!! He did that all by himself." Toni answered before Veronica slammed the door shut after all 5 of them walked out of FP's house, going to Cheryl's red ❤️ car. "Besides it was a dare!!!" Veronica said like it was no big deal, after they buckled up and Toni drove them to Sweet Pea and Fangs trailer, Lilah looks at her before she said, "WHAT?!" "Oh yeah, we remember that now." Choni laugh as Jughead said, "So you 3 aren't mad at me?" "No, we're not Juggie, we're not mad at you either Lilah." Toni says looking at her through the mirror as Jughead smiles. "Good, so Cheryl isn't going to come to Fangs's trailer and try to kill me?" Lilah asked as they all burst out laughing and Cheryl smiles and says, "No, I'm not besides the baby needs his or her daddy." She rubs her stomach as Toni Veronica and Jughead touch her stomach.

"Yeah, when are you due?" Lilah asked. "8 months from now." Cheryl said as they keep driving. "Ok then, do you guys have any names picked out?" "Hmm, a few but we haven't decided on them yet." Jughead says before Veronica said. "I have an idea guys." "What?" They all look at her. "Why don't we let the gang help us pick out some names for the baby, like we tell them to write down 3 or 4 names and put them in a box and then when Cheryl's like 7 or 8 weeks before she goes into labor, we pick out the names and read them and see what fits our baby." Veronica said smiling. "Y'know that's cool." Toni says, "I like that." Cheryl said as Jughead smiles and says, "Ok, let's do it." "So Lilah, do you have any names for our baby?" Jughead asked looking at her from the front seat. "Maybe, but here's an idea, don't tell the gang until you know for sure what you're going to have." "Ok." Jughead and his girls say as they finally arrived at Fangs's trailer.

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