Ch. 59

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Falice's House
FP slammed the door open as he & Alice walked in he slams it back closing the door locking it, Alice takes Lilah upstairs to her room and lays her on the bed covering her up with a blanket laying beside her cuddling her sighing sadly.

The Serpents and Lacey look at each other then at FP who sits down beside Jughead and says. "Lacey, upstairs now." Lacey knows that tone of voice her eyes widening and she does what he said, FP watching her every move making sure she's out of earshot, when he hears a door close FP looks at the Serpents and says. "We gotta talk about something that me & Alice just found out." "What'd you guys find out?" Jughead asked as FP sighs rubbing his face. he looks frustrated, Choni get up sitting on the other side of him and behind him rubbing his back and shoulders gently. "What's wrong FP?" Sweet Pea asked as he Fangs Joaquin Betty & Jughead look at him confused and concerned.

Cheryl rubs FP's back as Toni rubs his shoulders some more before she goes to the back of his neck getting the knots out of it before she goes back to his shoulders getting some more knots out. "C'mon dad, tell us what's going on." Jughead says, FP groaned as Toni kept rubbing & massaging his neck and shoulders then she goes down to his arm.

"Me & Alice were at the Whyte Wyrm, talking to Hog-Eye when Alice's phone went off, she got a call from Hermione, Alice walked outside putting the phone to her ear, Hog-Eye & I watched her and then Alice came back saying and I quote. "That was Hermione she's at the Pembroke, she has something to tell us and we need to leave now because she said it was an emergency." So we left the Whyte Wyrm and went to the Pembroke seeing Hiram's office, I opened the door, we saw Hiram sitting at his desk, with Fred Mary Sierra and Tom sitting in the chairs, Hermione was sitting on the floor with Lilah who was asleep, Hiram said that he needed to tell us something especially me and Alice." The Serpents looked at each other before Sweet Pea asked. "What happened next?"

Choni switch places and Toni starts rubbing his chest, Cheryl rubs his shoulders gently and tightly making FP groan again and he hissed, "Be gentle, or I'm gonna make you stop." "Sorry." Cheryl says going slow. "Ok, where was I?" FP asked. "You said Hiram needed to tell Parentdale especially you and Alice something." Fangs said looking at Choni weird. "Ok. FP before you start again, I have 1 question. Why are you letting Choni rub and massage all over you? Because it's weird and I don't think Lacey would like that." Joaquin said as Choni & FP burst out laughing and Betty asked. "What's so funny?" Choni and FP keep laughing before FP says, "Why wouldn't Lacey like it Joaquin? She's the one who suggested that they do this when she's busy or not around." "Yeah guys, you need to chill." Toni says as she & Cheryl start dying of laughter.

"Lacey's upstairs!!!!" Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin Bughead said with their jaws dropped, FP looked at Choni trying to keep from laughing and he said. "Ok girls stop, apparently you're freaking them out!! Besides I have to finish telling you guys what Hiram told me Alice and the rest of Parentdale." "Ok." Toni says as she and Cheryl sit on either side of him. "So when me and Alice walked into Hiram's office, we saw Fred Mary Sierra and Tom sitting in the chairs and Hermione on the floor with Lilah who was asleep in her lap and Hiram sat at his desk with 2 wine glasses and Alice looked at them and asked them what happened and Hiram told us what Lilah told him."

"Lilah told Hiram what?" Sweet Pea asked as FP sighs again grabbing Choni's hands putting them back on his shoulders & neck sighing as they massage FP again. "Hiram told us that Lilah told him that if Voldemort & death eaters reveal Lacey & Lilah's past with them to the whole town, that it was ok because when they do. Lacey and Lilah are gonna disappear and then the gang and the Serpents especially the Southside Serpents don't have to deal with them or their problems anymore, that's what Hiram told me & Alice besides Fred Mary Hermione Sierra and Tom." FP said holding eye contact with Jughead who gets up and starts to walk upstairs but FP stopped him and says, "Don't do or say anything yet, I have a plan and I'm gonna need all of your help."

"Ok." The Serpents and Betty said as Jughead walks upstairs to FP's bedroom opening the door, closing it behind him quietly standing in front of it looking at Lacey who's on her phone texting Charles and looking at her Facebook feed. Jughead sighs sadly and sits beside her on the bed holding her tightly to him sighing before he starts playing with her hair and says, "I love you bestie." "I love you too Juggie." Lacey says laying on his chest still looking at her phone.

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