Ch. 81

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They walk into every room trying to find Gladys JB & Charles, they went into pairs Lacey&Blaise, Lilah&Theo & Draco went by himself, they open every door that they passed and finally at the last 3 doors they find Gladys JB & Charles tied up. Lacey & Lilah walked up behind them and untied them, Gladys looked at Lacey smiling a little before she said. "Thanks, maybe you're not as bad as I thought." Lacey smiles back and says. "You're not that bad either." Gladys got up and untied JB and Charles.

"Ok guys, since you 2 untied them," Theo starts looking at Draco & Blaise. "take them outside with FP and etc now and make them no... force them to go back to the Whyte Wyrm!!! Lacey & Lilah have some unfinished business with Voldemort and death eaters." "Ok you 3 follow us outside." Blaise says as he & Draco head back to the door going outside with JB Gladys & Charles.

Lacey & Lilah sit on the couch waiting for Voldemort and death eaters before the door opened, Voldemort walked in the living room with Penny and tall boy. "Hey Penny." Lacey says glaring at Voldemort. "Yeah?" Penny said looking at her. "We have to talk to Voldemort alone so can you and tall boy get out?" Penny and tall boy look at each other before they look at Voldemort who smiles evilly and says. "Go ahead, Lacey's right, we do have to talk." "Ok then we'll go outside with the rest of the death eaters & Ghoulies." Penny said as she and Tall boy walked out the door letting it slam behind them, as soon as the door slammed shut, Voldemort leaned back against his chair putting his silver cup down saying. "So girls, it's been a long time since we've had a real good casual conversation so let's talk." Lacey & Lilah look at each other and smirk before Lilah says. "Alright, but first we want to see Nagini so where is she?"

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now